probe-rs-rtt 0.10.1

Host side implementation of the RTT (Real-Time Transfer) I/O protocol over probe-rs

Host side implementation of the RTT (Real-Time Transfer) I/O protocol over probe-rs

RTT implements input and output to/from a microcontroller using in-memory ring buffers and memory polling. This enables debug logging from the microcontroller with minimal delays and no blocking, making it usable even in real-time applications where e.g. semihosting delays cannot be tolerated.

This crate enables you to read and write via RTT channels. It's also used as a building-block for probe-rs debugging tools.


use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use probe_rs::Probe;
use probe_rs_rtt::Rtt;

// First obtain a probe-rs session (see probe-rs documentation for details)
let probe = Probe::list_all()[0].open()?;
let mut session = probe.attach("somechip")?;

// Attach to RTT
let mut rtt = Rtt::attach(Arc::new(Mutex::new(session)))?;

// Read from a channel
if let Some(input) = rtt.up_channels().take(0) {
let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];
let count = buf[..])?;

println!("Read data: {:?}", &buf[..count]);

// Write to a channel
if let Some(output) = rtt.down_channels().take(0) {
output.write(b"Hello, computer!\n")?;

# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())