prll-ri 1.0.2

Parallel-RI, parallel executable binary to wrap RIblast.
prll-ri-1.0.2 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: prll-ri-1.0.6

Parallel-RI, Parallel Executable Binary to Wrap RIblast

This binary provides a CPU multithreaded wrapper of RIblast. In addition to original options of RIblast, you can pass additional options such as the num. of threads and a path to RIblast. You must notice the IO options of RIblast have been changed into the new ones. You can check all the available options by adding a option, '-h'.


This project has been written by Rust, a system programming language. So first you need to install a Rust compiler (rustc), Rust package manager (Cargo) and Rust standard library. Please visit a Rust homepage to see more about Rust. You can install rustc, Cargo and Rust standard library with one line as follows:

$ curl -sSf | sh

The above installation is done by rustup, so you can easily switch a compiler to use. After installation, The update of Rust is recommended as follows:

$ rustup update

So you can install Parallel-RI as follows:

$ cargo install --git

Check if Parallel-RI has been installed properly as follows.

$ prll-ri




Copyright (c) 2016 heartsh
Licensed under the MIT license.