Function preroll::test_utils::create_client_and_postgres[][src]

pub async fn create_client_and_postgres<State>(
    state: State,
    setup_routes_fns: impl Into<VariadicRoutes<State>>
) -> TestResult<(Client, Arc<RwLock<ConnectionWrapInner<Postgres>>>)> where
    State: Send + Sync + 'static, 
This is supported on crate feature postgres only.

Creates a test application with routes and mocks set up, and hands back a client which is already connected to the server.

This function also hands back a postgres transaction connection which is being used for the rest of the application, allowing easy rollback of everything.


The RwLockWriteGuard returned from pg_conn.write().await MUST be dropped before running the test cases, or else there will be a writer conflict and the test will hang indefinitely.


use preroll::test_utils::{self, TestResult};

pub fn setup_routes(mut server: tide::Route<'_, std::sync::Arc<()>>) {
  // Normally imported from your service's crate (

#[async_std::main] // Would be #[async_std::test] instead.
async fn main() -> TestResult<()> {
    let (client, pg_conn) = test_utils::create_client_and_postgres((), setup_routes).await.unwrap();

        let mut pg_conn = pg_conn.write().await;

        // ... (test setup) ...

        // The RwLockWriteGuard here MUST be dropped before running the test cases,
        // or else there is a writer conflict and the test hangs indefinitely.
        // Note: this is done automatically at the end of the closure.
        // We are still explicitly dropping so as to avoid accidently messing this up in the future.

    // ... (test cases) ...
