postgis 0.6.0

An extension to rust-postgres, adds support for PostGIS.
Build #129411 2018-11-30T19:01:23.936940+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.32.0-nightly (6b9b97bd9 2018-11-15)
# version
cratesfyi 0.6.0 (084f762 2018-11-13)

# build log
Updating index
Blocking waiting for file lock on build directory
Fresh arrayref v0.3.5
Fresh constant_time_eq v0.1.3
Fresh matches v0.1.8
Fresh byte-tools v0.2.0
Fresh unicode-normalization v0.1.7
Fresh siphasher v0.2.3
Fresh byteorder v1.2.7
Fresh fake-simd v0.1.2
Fresh safemem v0.2.0
Fresh fallible-iterator v0.1.5
Fresh md5 v0.3.8
Fresh cfg-if v0.1.6
Fresh hex v0.2.0
Fresh byteorder v0.5.3
Fresh unicode-bidi v0.3.4
Fresh block-buffer v0.3.3
Fresh phf_shared v0.7.23
Fresh base64 v0.6.0
Fresh log v0.4.6
Fresh typenum v1.10.0
Fresh libc v0.2.44
Fresh stringprep v0.1.2
Fresh phf v0.7.23
Fresh generic-array v0.9.0
Fresh rand v0.4.3
Fresh iovec v0.1.2
Fresh memchr v1.0.2
Fresh socket2 v0.3.8
Fresh crypto-mac v0.5.2
Fresh digest v0.7.6
Fresh rand v0.3.22
Fresh bytes v0.4.11
Fresh sha2 v0.7.1
Fresh hmac v0.5.0
Fresh postgres-protocol v0.3.2
Fresh postgres-shared v0.4.2
Fresh postgres v0.15.2
Documenting postgis v0.6.0
Running `rustdoc --crate-name postgis /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20181115-1.32.0-nightly-6b9b97bd9 --extern-html-root-url 'byteorder=' --extern-html-root-url 'postgres=' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern byteorder=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libbyteorder-264e95c44ce88c6b.rmeta --extern postgres=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libpostgres-2af27f66f2f6f1fe.rmeta`
error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
935 | / pub enum EwkbGeometry<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
936 | | where
937 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
938 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...   |
966 | |     GeometryCollection(EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>),
967 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1027 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1059 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1257 | / pub struct EwkbGeometryCollection<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC>
1258 | | where
1259 | |     P: 'a + postgis::Point,
1260 | |     PI: 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a P>,
...    |
1284 | |     pub point_type: PointType,
1285 | | }
| |_^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1345 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> fmt::Debug
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1377 | impl<'a, P, PI, MP, L, LI, ML, Y, YI, MY, G, GI, GC> EwkbWrite
|                                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
547 | /         pub struct $ewkbtype<'a, P, I>
548 | |             where P: 'a + postgis::Point,
549 | |                   I: 'a + Iterator<Item=&'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'a P>
550 | |         {
...   |
553 | |             pub point_type: PointType,
554 | |         }
| |_________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
562 |           impl<'a, T, I> fmt::Debug for $ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                          ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
572 |           impl<'a, T, I> EwkbWrite for $ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                          ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
609 | /         pub struct $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
610 | |             where P: 'a + postgis::Point,
611 | |                   I: 'a + Iterator<Item=&'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'a P>,
612 | |                   T: 'a + postgis::$itemtypetrait<'a, ItemType=P, Iter=I>,
...   |
617 | |             pub point_type: PointType,
618 | |         }
| |_________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
628 |           impl<'a, P, I, T, J> fmt::Debug for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                                ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
640 |           impl<'a, P, I, T, J> EwkbWrite for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                                ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
547 | /         pub struct $ewkbtype<'a, P, I>
548 | |             where P: 'a + postgis::Point,
549 | |                   I: 'a + Iterator<Item=&'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'a P>
550 | |         {
...   |
553 | |             pub point_type: PointType,
554 | |         }
| |_________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
562 |           impl<'a, T, I> fmt::Debug for $ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                          ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
572 |           impl<'a, T, I> EwkbWrite for $ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                          ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
609 | /         pub struct $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
610 | |             where P: 'a + postgis::Point,
611 | |                   I: 'a + Iterator<Item=&'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'a P>,
612 | |                   T: 'a + postgis::$itemtypetrait<'a, ItemType=P, Iter=I>,
...   |
617 | |             pub point_type: PointType,
618 | |         }
| |_________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
628 |           impl<'a, P, I, T, J> fmt::Debug for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                                ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
640 |           impl<'a, P, I, T, J> EwkbWrite for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                                ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
677 | /         pub struct $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J>
678 | |             where P: 'a + postgis::Point,
679 | |                   I: 'a + Iterator<Item=&'a P> + ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'a P>,
680 | |                   L: 'a + postgis::LineString<'a, ItemType=P, Iter=I>,
...   |
687 | |             pub point_type: PointType,
688 | |         }
| |_________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
700 |           impl<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J> fmt::Debug for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J>
|                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
714 |           impl<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J> EwkbWrite for $ewkbtype<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J>
|                                      ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
98  |         impl<'a, T, I> ToSql for ewkb::$ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                        ^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
146 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbLineString contains points);
| -------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
112 |         impl<'a, P, I, T, J> ToSql for ewkb::$ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                              ^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
147 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbPolygon contains LineString);
| --------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
98  |         impl<'a, T, I> ToSql for ewkb::$ewkbtype<'a, T, I>
|                        ^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
148 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiPoint contains points);
| -------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
112 |         impl<'a, P, I, T, J> ToSql for ewkb::$ewkbtype<'a, P, I, T, J>
|                              ^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
149 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiLineString contains LineString);
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
128 |         impl<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J> ToSql for ewkb::$ewkbtype<'a, P, I, L, K, T, J>
|                                    ^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
150 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(multipoly EwkbMultiPolygon contains Polygon);
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1008 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1009 | |         &'a self,
1010 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1011 | |         'a,
...    |
1023 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1024 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1326 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1327 | |         &'a self,
1328 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometryCollection<
1329 | |         'a,
...    |
1341 | |         Self::GeomCollection,
1342 | |     >;
| |______^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
559 |               fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter>;
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
625 |               fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter>;
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
559 |               fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter>;
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
625 |               fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter>;
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
697 |               fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::LineType, Self::LineIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter>;
|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1053 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1054 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometry))?; //TODO
1055 | |         Ok(())
1056 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1085 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1086 | |         match *self {
1087 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
1088 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.opt_srid(),
...    |
1094 | |         }
1095 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1097 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1098 | |         match *self {
1099 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
1100 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.type_id(),
...    |
1106 | |         }
1107 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1109 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1110 | |         match *self {
1111 | |             EwkbGeometry::Point(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
1112 | |             EwkbGeometry::LineString(ref ewkb) => ewkb.write_ewkb_body(w),
...    |
1118 | |         }
1119 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1138 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1139 | |         &'a self,
1140 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometry<
1141 | |         'a,
...    |
1165 | |         }
1166 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1371 | /     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1372 | |         write!(f, stringify!(EwkbGeometryCollection))?; //TODO
1373 | |         Ok(())
1374 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1403 | /     fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
1404 | |         self.srid
1405 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1407 | /     fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
1408 | |         0x07 | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
1409 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1411 | /     fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
1412 | |         w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.geometries().len() as u32)?;
1413 | |
1414 | |         for geom in self.geom.geometries() {
...    |
1474 | |         Ok(())
1475 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
1494 | /     fn as_ewkb(
1495 | |         &'a self,
1496 | |     ) -> EwkbGeometryCollection<
1497 | |         'a,
...    |
1515 | |         }
1516 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::GeometryCollection<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
286 | /     fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> ewkb::EwkbLineString<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter> {
287 | |         ewkb::EwkbLineString {
288 | |             geom: self,
289 | |             srid: None,
290 | |             point_type: ewkb::PointType::Point,
291 | |         }
292 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
346 | /     fn as_ewkb(
347 | |         &'a self,
348 | |     ) -> ewkb::EwkbPolygon<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter> {
349 | |         ewkb::EwkbPolygon {
...   |
353 | |         }
354 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
404 | /     fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> ewkb::EwkbMultiPoint<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter> {
405 | |         ewkb::EwkbMultiPoint {
406 | |             geom: self,
407 | |             srid: None,
408 | |             point_type: ewkb::PointType::Point,
409 | |         }
410 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
470 | /     fn as_ewkb(
471 | |         &'a self,
472 | |     ) -> ewkb::EwkbMultiLineString<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter>
473 | |     {
...   |
478 | |         }
479 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
554 | /     fn as_ewkb(
555 | |         &'a self,
556 | |     ) -> ewkb::EwkbMultiPolygon<
557 | |         'a,
...   |
569 | |         }
570 | |     }
| |_____^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
566 | /             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
567 | |                 write!(f, stringify!($ewkbtype))?; //TODO
568 | |                 Ok(())
569 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
576 | /             fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
577 | |                 self.srid
578 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
580 | /             fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
581 | |                 $typecode | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
582 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
584 | /             fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
585 | |                 w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.points().len() as u32)?;
586 | |                 for geom in self.geom.points() {
587 | |                     let wkb = EwkbPoint { geom: geom, srid: None, point_type: self.point_type.clone() };
...   |
590 | |                 Ok(())
591 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
599 | /             fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter> {
600 | |                 $ewkbtype { geom: self, srid: self.srid, point_type: Self::PointType::point_type() }
601 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
759 | / point_container_write!(LineString and AsEwkbLineString for LineStringT
760 | |                        to EwkbLineString with type code 0x02,
761 | |                        command write_ewkb_body);
| |________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
634 | /             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
635 | |                 write!(f, stringify!($ewkbtype))?; //TODO
636 | |                 Ok(())
637 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
646 | /             fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
647 | |                 self.srid
648 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
650 | /             fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
651 | |                 $typecode | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
652 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
654 | /             fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
655 | |                 w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.$itemname().len() as u32)?;
656 | |                 for geom in self.geom.$itemname() {
657 | |                     let wkb = $ewkbitemtype { geom: geom, srid: None, point_type: self.point_type.clone() };
...   |
660 | |                 Ok(())
661 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
671 | /             fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter> {
672 | |                 $ewkbtype { geom: self, srid: self.srid, point_type: Self::PointType::point_type() }
673 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
775 | / geometry_container_write!(Polygon and AsEwkbPolygon for PolygonT
776 | |                           to EwkbPolygon with type code 0x03,
777 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named rings,
778 | |                           command write_ewkb_body);
| |___________________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
566 | /             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
567 | |                 write!(f, stringify!($ewkbtype))?; //TODO
568 | |                 Ok(())
569 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
576 | /             fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
577 | |                 self.srid
578 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
580 | /             fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
581 | |                 $typecode | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
582 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
584 | /             fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
585 | |                 w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.points().len() as u32)?;
586 | |                 for geom in self.geom.points() {
587 | |                     let wkb = EwkbPoint { geom: geom, srid: None, point_type: self.point_type.clone() };
...   |
590 | |                 Ok(())
591 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
599 | /             fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::Iter> {
600 | |                 $ewkbtype { geom: self, srid: self.srid, point_type: Self::PointType::point_type() }
601 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
792 | / point_container_write!(MultiPoint and AsEwkbMultiPoint for MultiPointT
793 | |                        to EwkbMultiPoint with type code 0x04,
794 | |                        command write_ewkb);
| |___________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
634 | /             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
635 | |                 write!(f, stringify!($ewkbtype))?; //TODO
636 | |                 Ok(())
637 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
646 | /             fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
647 | |                 self.srid
648 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
650 | /             fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
651 | |                 $typecode | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
652 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
654 | /             fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
655 | |                 w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.$itemname().len() as u32)?;
656 | |                 for geom in self.geom.$itemname() {
657 | |                     let wkb = $ewkbitemtype { geom: geom, srid: None, point_type: self.point_type.clone() };
...   |
660 | |                 Ok(())
661 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
671 | /             fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter> {
672 | |                 $ewkbtype { geom: self, srid: self.srid, point_type: Self::PointType::point_type() }
673 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
808 | / geometry_container_write!(MultiLineString and AsEwkbMultiLineString for MultiLineStringT
809 | |                           to EwkbMultiLineString with type code 0x05,
810 | |                           contains EwkbLineString,LineStringT as LineString named lines,
811 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
708 | /             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
709 | |                 write!(f, stringify!($ewkbtype))?; //TODO
710 | |                 Ok(())
711 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
722 | /             fn opt_srid(&self) -> Option<i32> {
723 | |                 self.srid
724 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
726 | /             fn type_id(&self) -> u32 {
727 | |                 $typecode | Self::wkb_type_id(&self.point_type, self.srid)
728 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
730 | /             fn write_ewkb_body<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
731 | |                 w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(self.geom.$itemname().len() as u32)?;
732 | |                 for geom in self.geom.$itemname() {
733 | |                     let wkb = $ewkbitemtype { geom: geom, srid: None, point_type: self.point_type.clone() };
...   |
736 | |                 Ok(())
737 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
749 | /             fn as_ewkb(&'a self) -> $ewkbtype<'a, Self::PointType, Self::PointIter, Self::LineType, Self::LineIter, Self::ItemType, Self::Iter> {
750 | |                 $ewkbtype { geom: self, srid: self.srid, point_type: Self::PointType::point_type() }
751 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
825 | / geometry_container_write!(multipoly MultiPolygon and AsEwkbMultiPolygon for MultiPolygonT
826 | |                           to EwkbMultiPolygon with type code 0x06,
827 | |                           contains EwkbPolygon,PolygonT as Polygon named polygons,
828 | |                           command write_ewkb);
| |______________________________________________- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
102 | /             fn to_sql(&self, _: &Type, out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
103 | |                 self.write_ewkb(out)?;
104 | |                 Ok(IsNull::No)
105 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
146 |   impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbLineString contains points);
|   -------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::LineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
146 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbLineString contains points);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the trait `types::LineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
| in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
118 | /             fn to_sql(&self, _: &Type, out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
119 | |                 self.write_ewkb(out)?;
120 | |                 Ok(IsNull::No)
121 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
147 |   impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbPolygon contains LineString);
|   --------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::Polygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
147 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbPolygon contains LineString);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the trait `types::Polygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
| in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
102 | /             fn to_sql(&self, _: &Type, out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
103 | |                 self.write_ewkb(out)?;
104 | |                 Ok(IsNull::No)
105 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
148 |   impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiPoint contains points);
|   -------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
148 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiPoint contains points);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the trait `types::MultiPoint<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
| in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
118 | /             fn to_sql(&self, _: &Type, out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
119 | |                 self.write_ewkb(out)?;
120 | |                 Ok(IsNull::No)
121 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
149 |   impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiLineString contains LineString);
|   ----------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
149 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(EwkbMultiLineString contains LineString);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the trait `types::MultiLineString<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
| in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
138 | /             fn to_sql(&self, _: &Type, out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<IsNull, Box<Error + Sync + Send>> {
139 | |                 self.write_ewkb(out)?;
140 | |                 Ok(IsNull::No)
141 | |             }
| |_____________^ the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
150 |   impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(multipoly EwkbMultiPolygon contains Polygon);
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation

error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not satisfied
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
150 | impl_sql_for_ewkb_type!(multipoly EwkbMultiPolygon contains Polygon);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the trait `types::MultiPolygon<'a>` is not implemented for `usize`
| in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)

error: Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc

thread 'main' panicked at 'ProcessError { desc: "process didn\'t exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name postgis /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20181115-1.32.0-nightly-6b9b97bd9 --extern-html-root-url \'byteorder=\' --extern-html-root-url \'postgres=\' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern byteorder=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libbyteorder-264e95c44ce88c6b.rmeta --extern postgres=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libpostgres-2af27f66f2f6f1fe.rmeta` (exit code: 1)", exit: Some(ExitStatus(ExitStatus(256))), output: None }

Could not document `postgis`.', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.