[][src]Function postfix_policy::handle_connection

pub fn handle_connection<'socket, 'ctx, HandlerType, ContextType, ErrorType, SocketType>(
    socket: &'socket SocketType,
    ctx: &'ctx ContextType
) -> Result<(), PostfixPolicyError<ErrorType>> where
    HandlerType: PolicyRequestHandler<'ctx, ContextType, ErrorType>,
    &'socket SocketType: Read + Write

Handles a connection to the mail server.

socket is the connection to the mail server and ctx is the Context, passed through each time PolicyRequestHandler::new is called.
It will create a new instance of the given PolicyRequestHandler for every request.
Might handle multiple policy requests before returning.


    let listener = UnixListener::bind(socket_path).expect("Could not bind UNIX socket");
    for conn in listener.incoming() {
        let mut conn = conn?;
        let cfg_ref = &config;
        thread::spawn(move || {
            if let Err(e) = handle_connection::<MyHandlerType, _, _, _>(&mut conn, cfg_ref) {
                println!("handle_connection failed: {:?}", e);