initSidebarItems({"constant":[["HDRLENGTH",""],["PM_HOST_ERROR_MSG_LEN",""]],"enum":[["PortMidiError",""]],"fn":[["count_devices","Return the number of devices. This number will not change during the lifetime of the program."],["get_default_input_device_id","Gets the `PortMidiDeviceId` for the default input, or `None` if there isn't one"],["get_default_output_device_id","Gets the `PortMidiDeviceId` for the default output, or `None` if there isn't one"],["get_device_info","Returns a `DeviceInfo` with information about a device, or `None` if it does not exist"],["get_error_text","Translate portmidi error number into human readable message. * These strings are constants (set at compile time) so client has * no need to allocate storage"],["get_host_error_text","Translate portmidi host error into human readable message. These strings are computed at run time, so client has to allocate storage. After this routine executes, the host error is cleared."],["initialize","`initialize` initalizes the underlying PortMidi C library, call this before using the library."],["terminate","`terminate` terminates the underlying PortMidi C library, call this after using the library."]],"struct":[["DeviceInfo","Represents what we know about a device"],["InputPort","Representation of an input midi port"],["MidiEvent","Represents a time stamped midi event. See also `MidiMessage`"],["MidiMessage","Represents a single midi message, see also `MidiEvent`"],["OutputPort","Representation of an output midi port"]],"type":[["PortMidiDeviceId","Used by PortMidi to refer to a Midi device"],["PortMidiResult",""]]});