Crate poke_a_mango [] [src]

What all the kool kidz are playing these days

Library doc

This library is used by poke-a-mango itself for all its function and is therefore contains all necessary functions.

Data flow

With conrod

|> create_window()
|> Widgets::new()

Then, each update event:

|> Widgets::update()
|> [check for states requiring usercode handling and act accordingly]

With a different UI

|> state::*()
|> [check for states requiring usercode handling and act accordingly]

Prose explanation

First, get an Options instance, be it via a struct-literal or Options::parse(); or don't and just create the individual arguments manually.

Then, use create_window() and a new conrod::Ui, follow up with creating a new Widgets instance.

After that, among normally displaying and processing events with conrod::Ui call Widgets::update() each update event. That sometimes produces GameStates that need action from you and you need to handle them manually.


This is a semi-complete example, as it lacks event handling, rendering and UI setup which have been omitted for brevity.

let opts = Options::parse();

let mut window: PistonWindow = try!(ops::create_window(opts.desktop_size));
let mut ui = conrod::UiBuilder::new().build();
// Set up the UI like normal

let mut game_state = ops::GameState::MainMenu;
let widgets = ops::Widgets::new(ui.widget_id_generator());

while let Some(event) = {
    event.update(|_| {
        widgets.update(ui.set_widgets(), &mut game_state);

        if game_state.should_exit() {
        } else if game_state.should_load_leaderboard() {
            game_state =
        } else if let ops::GameState::GameEnded { .. } = game_state {
            if let ops::GameState::GameEnded { ref name, score } = game_state {
                ops::Leader::append(ops::Leader::now(name.clone(), score), &opts.config_dir.1.join("leaderboard.toml")).unwrap();
            game_state = ops::GameState::MainMenu;

    // Handle events and draw like you'd normally do

Executable manpage

Played with your friends or alone, this game provides great entertainment to everyone all over the globe, requiring great eye-hand coordination and keeping the atmosphere tense.

Exit values and possible errors:

1 - Failed to parse a file
2 - An I/O error occured
3 - UI failed to cooperate


-c --config-dir <config_dir>

Directory with the configuration.

The configuration directory contains all of poke-a-mango's data.

Default: $HOME/.poke-a-mango

-d --desktop-size <size>

The target desktop's resolution.

By default this is autodetected to match the primary monitor's resolution,
but can be overriden to scale the game window better.

Format: NxM


poke-a-mango -d 1280x720

Run the game as on an HD monitor.

poke-a-mango -c pkmngo

Save the game data in "pkmngo" directory instead of the default one.



Main functions doing actual work.


Module containing various utility functions.



Representation of the application's all configurable values.



Enum representing all possible ways the application can fail.