Expand description

Some common error types.


General response error.
A possible error value when extracts data from request fails.
Error occurred in the router.
A missing json Content-Type error value when parsing header.
A missing xml Content-Type error value when parsing header.
Error occurred in the router.
A possible error value when parsing JSON.
Only the endpoints under the router can get the path parameters, otherwise this error will occur.
A possible error value when parsing query.
A possible error value when parsing XML.


A possible error value occurred in the Cors middleware.
A possible error value occurred when loading i18n resources.
A possible error value when parsing cookie.
A possible error value when parsing form.
A possible error value when parsing multipart.
A possible error value when parsing typed headers.
A possible error value when reading the body.
A possible error value occurred when adding a route.
A possible error value occurred in the SizeLimit middleware.
A possible error value when processing static files.
A possible error value when upgrading connection.
A possible error value when handling websocket.


Represents a type that can be converted to poem::Result<T>.
Represents a type that can be converted to Error.


Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::CONFLICT.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::EXPECTATION_FAILED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::FAILED_DEPENDENCY.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::FORBIDDEN.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::GONE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::LENGTH_REQUIRED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::LOCKED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::LOOP_DETECTED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::MISDIRECTED_REQUEST.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::NOT_ACCEPTABLE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::NOT_EXTENDED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::NOT_FOUND.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::PAYMENT_REQUIRED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::PRECONDITION_REQUIRED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::UPGRADE_REQUIRED.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::URI_TOO_LONG.
Wraps any error into Error and the status code is StatusCode::VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for Poem.