pocketsphinx 0.3.1

Rust wrapper for libpocketsphinx
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The pocketsphinx crate provides a safe wrapper around the native libpocketsphinx library.


In order to use the this crate, you must have the libpocketsphinx library installed where it can be found by pkg-config.

On Debian-based Linux distributions, install the libpocketsphinx1 package:

sudo apt-get install libpocketsphinx1

On OS X, install cmu-pocketsphinx with Homebrew:

brew install --HEAD cmu-sphinxbase
brew install --HEAD cmu-pocketsphinx

For building custom version of CMU PocketSphinx refer to official building documentation.


Add pocketsphinx as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

pocketsphinx = "0.3.1"

Import the pocketsphinx crate, initialize PocketSphinx decoder:

let ps_config = try!(pocketsphinx::CmdLn::init(true, &["pocketsphinx",
    "-hmm", "data/cmusphinx-en-us-5.2",
    "-lm", "data/cmusphinx-5.0-en-us.lm",
    "-dict", "data/turtle.dic",
let ps_decoder = pocketsphinx::PsDecoder::init(ps_config);

See PocketSphinx documentation to understand meaning of configuration parameters.

Start voice recognition:

loop {
    let input_samples: &[i16] = read_audio();
    try!(ps_decoder.process_raw(input_samples, false, false));
    if (...) break;

Stop voice recognition and get result:

match ps_decoder.get_hyp() {
    None => println!("Not recognized"),
    Some((hyp, _utt_id, _score)) => println!("Recognized: {}", hyp),


Copyright © 2016 Mikhail Trishchenkov

Distributed under the MIT License.

Note: By using this crate, your executable will link to the libpocketsphinx C library, which is available under the simplified BSD license.