pocket-resources 0.1.2

Include resources in your applications.
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Visit the last successful build: pocket-resources-0.3.2



See the demo crate.

Tweak your Cargo.toml to use a build script:

# ...
build = "build.rs"

pocket-resources = "*"

Create a build.rs file:

extern crate pocket_resources;

fn main() {

Include the resources where you want:

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/pocket-resources.rs"));

This creates a public enum named Resource. If you want to name it something else, or if you want it private, you should use a module.

You can then load the resource directly from the enum:

let data: &[u8] = Resource::PathToImagePng.load();

Or load it at runtime:

let data: &[u8] = Resource::from_name("path/to/image.png").unwrap().load();