Crate png_pong

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A library for decoding and encoding PNG images and APNG animations.

§Getting Started

Add the following to your Cargo.toml.

version = "0.9"


// Saving raster as a PNG file
let raster = png_pong::PngRaster::Rgba8(pix::Raster::with_pixels(1, 1, &[
    pix::rgb::SRgba8::new(0, 0, 0, 0)][..]
let mut out_data = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = png_pong::Encoder::new(&mut out_data).into_step_enc();
let step = png_pong::Step{ raster, delay: 0 };
encoder.encode(&step).expect("Failed to add frame");
std::fs::write("graphic.png", out_data).expect("Failed to save image");

// Loading PNG file into a Raster
let data = std::fs::read("graphic.png").expect("Failed to open PNG");
let data = std::io::Cursor::new(data);
let decoder = png_pong::Decoder::new(data).expect("Not PNG").into_steps();
let png_pong::Step { raster, delay } = decoder
    .expect("No frames in PNG")
    .expect("PNG parsing error");




  • A Raster of one of the PNG types (all are sRGB gamma). PNGs with less than 8 bits per channel are scaled up to 8 bits per channel.