var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["plumbum"] = {"doc":"*Plumbum* (latin for lead) is a port of Michael Snoyman's excellent\n[`conduit`](\nlibrary.","items":[[3,"Kleisli","plumbum","The Kleisli arrow from `A` to `ConduitM<I, O, B>`.",null,null],[4,"ConduitM","","Represents a conduit, i.e. a sequence of await/yield actions.",null,null],[13,"Pure","","The case `Pure(a)` means that the conduit contains no further actions and just returns the result `a`.",0,null],[13,"Defer","","The case `Defer(k)` means that the conduit needs another iteration to make progress,\nand the remaining (suspended) program is given by the kleisli arrow `k`",0,null],[13,"Await","","The case `Await(k)` means that the conduit waits for a value of type `I`,\nand the remaining (suspended) program is given by the kleisli arrow `k`.",0,null],[13,"Yield","","The case `Yield(o, k)` means that the conduit yields a value of type `O`,\nand the remaining (suspended) program is given by the kleisli arrow `k`.",0,null],[13,"Leftover","","The case `Leftover(i, k)` means that the conduit has a leftover value of type `I`,\nand the remaining (suspended) program is given by the kleisli arrow `k`.",0,null],[4,"Flush","","Provide for a stream of data that can be flushed.",null,null],[13,"Chunk","","",1,null],[13,"Flush","","",1,null],[5,"consume","","Wait for a single input value from upstream.",null,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[5,"produce","","Send a value downstream to the next component to consume.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"o"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[5,"defer","","Defers a conduit action. Can be used to introduce artifical laziness.",null,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[5,"leftover","","Provide a single piece of leftover input to be consumed by the\nnext component in the current binding.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[0,"io","","Interfacing with `std::io`.",null,null],[5,"reader","plumbum::io","A conduit that produces bytes it reads from the given `Read`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"r"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[5,"writer","","A conduit that consumes bytes and writes them to the given `Write`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"w"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[5,"writer_flush","","A conduit that consumes bytes and writes them to the given `Write`,\nwhile also providing flushing capabilities.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"w"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[11,"new","plumbum","Creates the identity arrow.",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"kleisli"}}],[11,"append","","Appends the given function to the tail of the arrow.\nThis corresponds to closure composition at the codomain (post-composition).",2,null],[11,"run","","Given an input, runs the arrow to completion and return\nthe resulting program.",2,null],[6,"Source","","Provides a stream of output values,\nwithout consuming any input or producing a final result.",null,null],[6,"Conduit","","Consumes a stream of input values and produces a stream of output values,\nwithout producing a final result.",null,null],[6,"Sink","","Consumes a stream of input values and produces a final result,\nwithout producing any output.",null,null],[11,"to_producer","","Generalize a `Source` by universally quantifying the input type.",0,null],[11,"connect","","Pulls data from the source and pushes it into the sink.",0,null],[11,"fuse","","Combines two conduits together into a new conduit.",0,null],[11,"transform","","Apply a transformation to all values in a stream.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"f"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"from_iter","","",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"to_consumer","","Generalize a `Sink` by universally quantifying the output type.",0,null],[11,"fold","","Fold all values from upstream into a final value.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"a"},{"name":"f"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"and_then","","Appends a continuation to a conduit. Which means,\ngiven a function from `A` to `ConduitM<I, O, B>`,\npasses the return value of the conduit to the function,\nand returns the resulting program.",0,null],[11,"and","","Appends two conduits together, which means, it returns a new conduit that\nexecutes both conduits sequentially, and forwards the return value\nof the second.",0,null],[11,"zip","","Zips two conduits together, which means, it returns a new conduit that\nexecutes both conduits sequentially, and forwards both return values.",0,null],[11,"map","","Modifies the return value of the conduit.\nSeen differently, it lifts a function from\n`A` to `B` into a function from `ConduitM<I, O, A>`\nto `ConduitM<I, O, B>`.",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"from","","",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"a"}],"output":{"name":"conduitm"}}],[11,"map","","",1,null],[11,"from","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"o"}],"output":{"name":"flush"}}],[14,"pipe!","","Provides a convient syntax for conduit operations.",null,null],[14,"fuse!","","Provides a convient syntax for fusing conduits.",null,null]],"paths":[[4,"ConduitM"],[4,"Flush"],[3,"Kleisli"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);