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Plot interface.

Module :: plot_interface

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Plot interface.

Sample :: trivial

To add to your project

cargo add plot_interface

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/plot_interface_trivial_sample
cargo run



Describe colors.

Namespace with dependencies.

Exposed namespace of the module.

Orphan namespace of the module.

Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.

Protected namespace of the module.

Concrete system.


Declare operation with 1 operand renting its implementation from math lib of choice.

Declare operation with 2 operands renting its implementation from math lib of choice.

Implement dereferencing of regular math object to math objects of math lib of choice.



ChangerInterface of brush stroke.


ChangerInterface of brush stroke.

Reference on context.

Command to draw rectangle.

Command to draw rectangle.

Command to draw rectangle.



ChangerInterface of brush stroke.

ChangerInterface of brush stroke.

ChangerInterface of brush stroke.

ChangerInterface of brush stroke.

Vector X2


Trait to interpret canonical math data structures of other math libs as their analogs a math lib of choice to use operations of the library..

Trait to interpret non-canonical math data structures of other math libs as their analogs a math lib of choice to use operations of the library..

Registry of contexts.

Local implementation of trait From.

ID interface.

Local implementation of trait Into.

Implement check is it nan and constructor with NAN value.

Convertable into RGBA.

Traits any element of a vector should implement.

Standard interface of vector X2. Implements nominal interface, extending it by constructor make.

Interface of vector X2 for structures with the canonical layout.

Nominal interface of vector X2.

Nominal interface of vector X2.


Get current context.