Crate piston_window

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The official Piston window wrapper for the Piston game engine

Notice! If this is your first time visiting Piston, start here.

The purpose of this library is to provide an easy-to-use, simple-to-get-started and convenient-for-applications API for Piston.

Sets up:

  • Gfx with an OpenGL back-end.
  • gfx_graphics for 2D rendering.
  • glutin_window as default window back-end, but this can be swapped (see below).


extern crate piston_window;

use piston_window::*;

fn main() {
    let mut window: PistonWindow =
        WindowSettings::new("Hello World!", [512; 2])
    while let Some(e) = {
        window.draw_2d(&e, |c, g, _| {
            clear([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0], g);
            rectangle([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], // red
                      [0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0], // rectangle
                      c.transform, g);

The draw_2d function calls the closure on render events. There is no need to filter events manually, and there is no overhead.

§Swap to another window back-end

Change the generic parameter to the window back-end you want to use.

extern crate piston_window;
extern crate sdl2_window;

use piston_window::*;
use sdl2_window::Sdl2Window;

let window: PistonWindow<Sdl2Window> =
    WindowSettings::new("title", [512; 2])


The impl of BuildFromWindowSettings in this library turns on WindowSettings::srgb, because it is required by gfx_graphics.

Most images such as those found on the internet uses sRGB, that has a non-linear gamma corrected space. When rendering 3D, make sure textures and colors are in linear gamma space. Alternative is to use Srgb8 and Srgba8 formats for textures.

For more information about sRGB, see

§Library dependencies

This library is meant to be used in applications only. It is not meant to be depended on by generic libraries. Instead, libraries should depend on the lower abstractions, such as the Piston core.





  • Any triangulation method called on the back-end never exceeds this number of vertices. This can be used to initialize buffers that fit the chunk size.


  • Stores characters in a buffer and loads them by demand.
  • Implemented by contexts that contains color.
  • Implemented by all graphics back-ends.
  • Implemented by all images to be used with generic algorithms.
  • Useful constants for radians.
  • Should be implemented by contexts that have rectangle information.
  • Should be implemented by contexts that have source rectangle information.
  • Implemented by contexts that can transform.
