initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Rule","A rule describes how some section of a document should be parsed."]],"fn":[["parse","Parses text with rules."],["update_refs","Updates the references such that they point to each other."]],"struct":[["Lines","Stores information about lines."],["Node","A node reference."],["Number","Contains information about number."],["Optional","Stores information about optional."],["Repeat","Stores inforamtion about separated by."],["Select","Stores information about select."],["SeparateBy","Stores inforamtion about separated by."],["Sequence","Stores information about sequence."],["Text","Stores information about text."],["Token","Stores information about token."],["UntilAny","Stores information about reading until whitespace or any of some character."],["UntilAnyOrWhitespace","Stores information about reading until whitespace or any of some character."],["Whitespace","Stores information about whitespace."]],"type":[["ParseResult","A parse result succeeds with a new state, plus an optional error to replace other errors if it is deeper. The deepest error is likely the most useful."]]});