var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["viewport"] = {"doc":"A library for storing viewport information","items":[[3,"Viewport","viewport","Stores viewport information.",null,null],[12,"rect","","Viewport in pixels.\n```[x, y, width height]``` where ```(x, y)``` is lower left corner.",0,null],[12,"draw_size","","The size of frame buffer in pixels.",0,null],[12,"window_size","","The size of window in points.",0,null],[11,"clone","","",0,null],[11,"abs_transform","","Computes absolute transform for 2D graphics,\nwhich uses a row major 2x3 matrix.\nThe origin is in the upper left corner of the viewport rectangle.\nThe x axis points to the right, and the y axis points down.\nThe units are in points (window coordinates).",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"Viewport"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);