piston-dyon_interactive 0.24.0

A library for interactive coding with the Piston game engine
/// Returns the source code of render module.
/// The render module is imported from source by default in the top module.
/// In loader scripts, to import the render module in loaded modules:
/// ```
/// render := unwrap(module(in: "render.dyon", string: render_source(), imports: []))
/// source := "snake.dyon"
/// m := unwrap(load(source: source, imports: [render]))
/// ```
fn render_source() -> str { ... }

/// Draws draw list.
fn draw(draw_list: [any]) { ... }

/// Returns the window size without border in points.
fn window_size() -> vec4 { ... }

/// Returns the frame buffer size in pixels.
fn window_draw_size() -> vec4 { ... }

/// Gets window position.
fn window_position() -> vec4 { ... }

/// Sets window position.
fn set_window__position(pos: vec4) { ... }

/// Sets window size.
fn set_window__size(size: vec4) { ... }

/// Gets title of window.
fn window_title() -> str { ... }

/// Sets title of window.
fn set_window__title(text: str) { ... }

/// The number of updates per second.
fn event_loop_ups() -> f64 { ... }

/// The number of updates per second.
fn set_event_loop__ups(frames: f64) { ... }

/// The number of delayed updates before skipping them to catch up.
/// When set to 0, it will always try to catch up.
fn event_loop_upsreset() -> f64 { ... }

/// The number of delayed updates before skipping them to catch up.
/// When set to 0, it will always try to catch up.
fn set_event_loop__upsreset(frames: f64) { ... }

/// The maximum number of frames per second.
fn event_loop_maxfps() -> f64 { ... }

/// Sets maximum number of frames per second.
fn set_event_loop__maxfps(maxfps: f64) { ... }

/// Gets whether the event loop automatically swaps buffers.
fn event_loop_swapbuffers() -> bool { ... }

/// Swaps render buffers manually.
/// Do not use unless `event_loop_swapbuffers` is disabled.
fn swap_buffers() { ... }

/// Enable or disable automatic swapping of buffers.
fn set_event_loop__swapbuffers(swapbuffers: bool) { ... }

/// Gets whether the event loop runs in benchmark mode.
fn event_loop_benchmode() -> bool { ... }

/// Enable or disable benchmark mode in event loop.
fn set_event_loop__benchmode(benchmode: bool) { ... }

/// Gets whether the event loop renders only when receiving input.
fn event_loop_lazy() -> bool { ... }

/// Enable or disable rendering only when receiving input.
/// When enabled, update and idle events are disabled.
fn set_event_loop__lazy(lazy: bool) { ... }

/// Returns `true` when time to render.
fn render() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when rendering is done.
fn after_render() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when time to update.
fn update() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when event loop got nothing to do for a while.
fn idle() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when pressing a button.
fn press() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when releasing a button.
fn release() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when window is resized.
fn resize() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when window receives or loses focus.
fn focus() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when window gained or lost cursor.
fn cursor() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when window received text.
fn text() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns `true` when there is a mouse cursor event.
fn mouse_cursor() -> bool { ... }

/// Returns:
/// - `some(true)` when window received focus.
/// - `some(false)` when window looses focus.
/// - `none()` when there is no focus event.
fn focus_arg() -> opt[bool] { ... }

/// Returns:
/// - `some(true)` when window gained cursor.
/// - `some(false)` when window lost cursor.
/// - `none()` when there is no cursor event.
fn cursor_arg() -> opt[bool] { ... }

/// Returns the text input for text event.
fn text_arg() -> opt[str] { ... }

/// Returns the position for mouse cursor event.
fn mouse_cursor_pos() -> opt[vec4] { ... }

/// Extrapolated time in seconds, used to do smooth animation.
fn render_ext_dt() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the delta time in seconds for update event.
fn update_dt() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the expected idle time in seconds for idle event.
fn idle_dt() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the keyboard key for press event.
fn press_keyboard_key() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the keyboard key for release event.
fn release_keyboard_key() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the mouse button for press event.
fn press_mouse_button() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the mouse button for release event.
fn release_mouse_button() -> opt[f64] { ... }

/// Returns the width of rendered text for a given font.
fn width__font_size_string(font: f64, size: f64, text: str) -> f64 { ... }

/// Returns list of font names.
fn font_names() -> [str] { ... }

/// Loads font from file.
/// Returns `ok(id)` when successful.
fn load_font(file: str) -> res[f64] { ... }

/// Returns list of image names.
fn image_names() -> [str] { ... }

/// Loads image from file.
/// Returns `ok(id)` when successful.
fn load_image(file: str) -> res[f64] { ... }

/// Saves image to file.
fn save__image_file(image: f64, file: str) -> res[str] { ... }

/// Creates empty image.
fn create_image__name_size(name: str, size: vec4) -> f64 { ... }

/// Returns image size.
fn image_size(image: f64) -> vec4 { ... }

/// Sets pixel color in image.
fn pxl__image_pos_color(image: f64, pos: vec4, color: vec4) { ... }

/// Gets pixel color from image.
fn pxl__image_pos(image: f64, pos: vec4) -> vec4 { ... }

/// Creates texture from image.
/// Takes an image id and returns a texture id.
fn create_texture(image: f64) -> f64 { ... }

/// Updates texture with image.
fn update__texture_image(image: f64, texture: f64) { ... }