Crate pipelines [] [src]

A tool for constructing multi-threaded pipelines of execution

A Pipeline consists in one or more stages that each runs in its own thread (or multiple threads). They take in items from the previous stage and produce items for the next stage, similar to a Unix pipeline. This allows for expressing computation as a series of steps that feed into each other and run concurrently


Build the first 10 fibonacci numbers:

use pipelines::Pipeline;

fn fibonacci(n:u64)->u64{if n<2 {1} else {fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)}}

let nums: Vec<u64> = (0..10).collect();
let fibs: Vec<u64> = Pipeline::from(nums)

Build the first 10 fibonacci numbers in parallel, then double them:

use pipelines::Pipeline;

let workers = 2;
fn fibonacci(n:u64)->u64{if n<2 {1} else {fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)}}

let nums: Vec<u64> = (0..10).collect();
let fibs: Vec<u64> = Pipeline::from(nums)
    .pmap(workers, fibonacci)
    .map(|x| x*2)

Build the first 10 fibonacci numbers in parallel then group them by evenness, expressed in mapreduce stages

use pipelines::Pipeline;

let workers = 2;
fn fibonacci(n:u64)->u64{if n<2 {1} else {fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)}}

let nums: Vec<u64> = (0..10).collect();
let fibs: Vec<(bool, u64)> = Pipeline::from(nums)
    .pmap(workers, fibonacci)
    .map(|num| (num % 2 == 0, num))
    .preduce(workers, |evenness, nums| (evenness, *nums.iter().max().unwrap()))



A pipeline entry with a predicate that values must beet to be sent further in the pipeline


A pipeline entry representing a function to be run on each value and its result to be sent down the pipeline


A meta pipeline entry that distributes the work of a PipelineEntry across multiple threads


Configuration for buffers internal to the Pipeline


Passed to pipelines as their place to get incoming data from the previous stage.


Passed to pipelines as their place to send results



A trait for structs that may be used as Pipeline entries