pilka 0.2.6

Another democoding tool for creative coding with shaders.

pilka 🔩

Pilka is a cross-platform democoding tool for creating shader* demos, similar to Bonzomatic or KodeLife. Supports hot-reloading which means resources is checked, updated in the background.

Available features:

  • Hot-reload
  • Saving shaders
  • Taking screenshot
  • Record video



  • F1: Toggles play/pause
  • F2: Pauses and steps back one frame
  • F3: Pauses and steps forward one frame
  • F4: Restarts playback at frame 0 (Time and Pos = 0)
  • F5: Print parameters
  • F10: Save shaders
  • F11: Take Screenshot
  • F12: Start/Stop record video
  • ESC: Exit the application
  • Arrows: Change Pos



name type range
position vec3 (-∞, ∞)
time float [0, ∞)
resolution vec2 [0, a]
mouse vec2 [-1, 1]
spectrum float [-1, 1]


Vulkan SDK is required.

On recent macOS, to allow sound input to be captured (for FFT textures to be generated), you need to: Open up System Preferences, click on Security & Privacy, click on the Privacy tab then click on the Microphone menu item. Make sure pilka is in the list and ticked... erm, probably. I don't have macOS.


cargo install pilka

You also can install the application by to downloading the source code and build locally.

# or through ssh git@github.com:pudnax/pilka.git
git clone https://github.com/pudnax/pilka.git
cd pilka
cargo install --path .


winit is the "default" window library in Rust ecosystem. And it covers the most of cross-platform issues for you.

RustFFT is used to perform Fast FFT for generating sound textures.

cpal is used to capture sound from microphone and probably MIDI devices in the future.

png is used to encode screenshots into png files.

notify is a file watcher and maintains the hot-reload.

shaderc is used to compile GLSL shaders on the runtime instead of opening a process with glslc or glslangValidator. I hope to switch to naga soon, when it's mature enough.

ash is a Vulkan bindings. I choose ash because I see pilka as a learning project and want to touch the maximum untouched Vulkan. For the same reason I didn't use vulkano, erupt, vulkanism, etc.

Ffmpeg is used to record and save to video. For my concerns it's temporary solution after which I switch to rav1e on it's release.

Places of inspiration (from where I steal code):