var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["pic8259_simple"] = {"doc":"Support for the 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller, which handles\nbasic I/O interrupts. In multicore mode, we would apparently need to\nreplace this with an APIC interface.","items":[[3,"ChainedPics","pic8259_simple","A pair of chained PIC controllers. This is the standard setup on x86.",null,null],[11,"new","","Create a new interface for the standard PIC1 and PIC2 controllers,\nspecifying the desired interrupt offsets.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"u8"},{"name":"u8"}],"output":{"name":"chainedpics"}}],[11,"initialize","","Initialize both our PICs. We initialize them together, at the same\ntime, because it's traditional to do so, and because I/O operations\nmight not be instantaneous on older processors.",0,null],[11,"handles_interrupt","","Do we handle this interrupt?",0,null],[11,"notify_end_of_interrupt","","Figure out which (if any) PICs in our chain need to know about this\ninterrupt. This is tricky, because all interrupts from `pics[1]`\nget chained through `pics[0]`.",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"ChainedPics"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);