[][src]Crate physme

physme is a simple 2d and 3d physics library that doesn't aim for physical accuracy, but instead for a good feel and ergonomics. The engine provides primitives and systems for all the physics goodies you'd expect:

  • Broad phase
  • Narrow phase
  • Manifold solving
  • Physics step
  • Draw transform synchronization

Creating your first game with physme is as simple as adding one of the physics plugin

use physme::prelude2d::*;
let mut builder = App::build();

optionally setting some parameters

    .add_resource(GlobalGravity(Vec2::new(0.0, -500.0)))

and then, in your setup function, adding a RigidBody component to your entities

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
    let icon = asset_server.load("assets/icon.png").unwrap();
        .spawn(SpriteComponents {
            material: materials.add(icon.into()),
                .with_position(Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0))
                .with_terminal(Vec2::new(500.0, 1000.0)),

as well as some children with an arbitrary amount of Shape components.

        .with_children(|parent| {
            parent.spawn((Shape::from(Size::new(28.0, 28.0)),));

And there you go! This will perform all the physics updates on every frame of the game.



This module provides the broad phase using an R*-tree. You shouldn't have to use it directly.


Commmon type definitions for 2d and 3d physics simulation.


This module provides the primitives and systems for 2d physics simulation.


This module provides the primitives and systems for 3d physics simulation.


This module re-exports all the things you might need for 2d physics simulation.


This module re-exports all the things you might need for 3d physics simulation.