pgp-words 1.0.0

Library to convert bytes to PGP words and back


Crate for transforming bytes (u8) into PGP words and back.

Status: functions to_bytes and to_words are working, but need documentation.

extern crate pgp_words;

fn main() {
  let msg: [u8; 4] = [0x2D, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x27];
  let words = pgp_words::to_words(&msg);
  assert_eq!(words[0], "button");
  assert_eq!(words[1], "hazardous");
  assert_eq!(words[2], "tunnel");
  assert_eq!(words[3], "celebrate");

to_bytes returns Option<Vec<u8>>, because you can pass words that are not part of the list or that have the wrong evenness, there are no attempts to recover and pgp_words would return None.


pgp-words is MIT licensed. 2018, Tim Marinin

Words were taken from the Wikipedia entry on 2018-06-20.