initSidebarItems({"struct":[["AsUndirected","Wrapper type for walking the graph as if it is undirected"],["Bfs","A breadth first search (BFS) of a graph."],["BfsIter","An iterator for a breadth first traversal of a graph."],["Dfs","A depth first search (DFS) of a graph."],["DfsIter","An iterator for a depth first traversal of a graph."],["Reversed","Wrapper type for walking edges the other way"],["Topo","A topological order traversal for a graph."]],"trait":[["Externals","Externals returns an iterator of all nodes that either have either no incoming or no outgoing edges."],["GetAdjacencyMatrix","Create or access the adjacency matrix of a graph"],["Graphlike","Base trait for graphs that defines the node identifier."],["NeighborIter","A graph trait for accessing the neighbors iterator"],["NeighborsDirected","NeighborsDirected gives access to neighbors of both `Incoming` and `Outgoing` edges of a node."],["Revisitable","Trait for graph that can reset & resize its visitor map"],["VisitMap","A mapping from node → is_visited."],["Visitable","Trait for which datastructure to use for a graph’s visitor map"]]});