persistent 0.0.8

A set of middleware for sharing server-global data in Iron. failed to build persistent-0.0.8
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: persistent-0.4.0

persistent Build Status

Persistent storage as middleware for the Iron web framework.

  • Share persistent data across requests
  • Read or modify locally stored data

Use this if you are currently thinking about using std::sync::Arc to share state between request handlers.


If you're using a Cargo.toml to manage dependencies, just add persistent to the toml:

persistent = "0.0.6"

Otherwise, cargo build, and the rlib will be in your target directory.


Along with the online documentation, you can build a local copy with make doc.


Get Help

One of us (@reem, @zzmp, @theptrk, @mcreinhard) is usually on #iron on the mozilla irc. Come say hi and ask any questions you might have. We are also usually on #rust and #rust-webdev.