Module permutator::copy

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A module that perform everything in copy fashion. There is no heap_permutation callback family function in here because that function family already return a slice of value.

The additional constraint here is T must implement copy. The benefit of using this module is the input and output of each functionality will always in the same format. So there will be no &[&&&T] like in parent module when you perform a cartesian_product then combination then heap_permutation function. The downside is that if T is expensive to copy then there will be performance cost to pay.

General rule is that if type T in slice like &[T] is primitive type, this module will likely have no performance different, thus easier to use because there’ll be no such ***x[0] syntax but if type T is a complex type like struct then it cannot be directly used in this module. There’ll be some situation that required usage of this module. For example, in some case, a common Vec to store result from both combination result and those that is result from sequence of operation like combination then permutation. This cannot be done with the non-copy version because the result of single operation will be &[&T] but two operations will be &[&&T] which has different type. To avoid such case, create another Vec that hold every T then create another Vec that hold usize pointed to each element in prior Vec. Now we have a Vec that store primitive type thust can be used in this module. Another way to do the same thing but doesn’t have an indirection like actual_data[pointers[i]] to access data is to create a Vec<&T> and every element in this Vec is just a ref to another element in Vec. Now, to access data, it’s ref_vec[i]. The only restriction with later approach is T must be sized.

Note: All Iterator that return an owned item still return the same owned item, e.g. Vec


Generate a cartesian product between given domains into Rc<RefCell<&mut [T]>> in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used as Iterator. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
Generate a cartesian product between given domains in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used in Iterator style. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
An unsafe way to generate a cartesian product between given domains into *mut [T] in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used as Iterator. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
Heap’s permutation in Rc<RefCell<>> mimic Iterator style. It provides another choice for user that want to share permutation result but doesn’t want to clone it for each share. It also doesn’t create new result on each iteration unlike other object that implement Iterator trait.
Heap’s permutation in iterator style implementation.
An unsafe Heap’s permutation in iterator style implementation.
k-Permutation over data of length “n” where k must be less than n. It’ll attempt to permute given data by pick k elements out of n data. It use Gosper algorithm to pick the elements. It then use Heap’s algorithm to permute those k elements and return each permutation back to caller by given Rc<RefCell<&mut [&T]>> parameter to new method of KPermutationCellIter.
k-Permutation over data of length n where k must be less than n. It’ll attempt to permute given data by pick k elements out of data. It use Gosper algorithm to pick the elements. It then use Heap’s algorithm to permute those k elements and return each permutation back to caller.
k-Permutation over data of length “n” where k must be less than n and store result into mutable pointer. It’ll attempt to permute given data by pick k elements out of n data. It use Gosper algorithm to pick the elements. It then use Heap’s algorithm to permute those k elements and return each permutation back to caller by given *mut [&T]>> parameter to new method of KPermutationRefIter.
Create a combination iterator. The result is lexicographic ordered if input is lexicorgraphic ordered.
Create a combination iterator. The result is lexicographic ordered if input is lexicorgraphic ordered.
Create an unsafe combination iterator that return result to mutable pointer. The result is lexicographic ordered if input is lexicorgraphic ordered.
Generate a cartesian product on itself in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used in Iterator style. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
Generate a cartesian product on itself in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used in Iterator style. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.
Generate a cartesian product on itself in an iterator style. The struct implement Iterator trait so it can be used in Iterator style. The struct provide into_iter() function that return itself.


Create a cartesian product out of T. For example,
Create a combination out of T Normally, it take a [T] or Vec<T> to create a combination.
Create a permutation iterator that permute data in place. Built-in implementation return an object of HeapPermutation for slice/array and Vec. It return an object of HeapPermutationCellIter on data type of Rc<RefCell<&mut [T]>>.


Create a cartesian product over given slice. The result will be a slice of T.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Get a cartesian product at specific location. If objects is [1, 2, 3] and degree is 2 then all possible result is [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 3]
Get permutation at specific location. If objects is [1, 2, 3, 4] and degree is 2 then all possible permutation will be [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 1], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 4], [4, 1], [4, 2], [4, 3].
Calculate all possible number of permutation. It’s equals to size!/(size - 1).
Generate k-permutation over slice of d. For example: d = &[1, 2, 3]; k = 2. The result will be [1, 2], [2, 1], [1, 3], [3, 1], [2, 3], [3, 2]
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Generate a r-combination from given domain and call callback function on each combination.
Generate a r-combination from given domain and call callback function on each combination.
Generate a r-combination from given domain and call callback function on each combination.
Create a cartesian product over itself. The result will be a slice of T.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Rc<RefCell<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe self_cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through Arc<RwLock<>> to mutable slice of result. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Similar to safe k_permutation function except the way it return the permutation. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.
Generate a r-combination from given domain and call callback function on each combination.
Similar to safe self_cartesian_product function except the way it return the product. It return result through mutable pointer to result assuming the pointer is valid. It’ll notify caller on each new result via empty callback function.

Type Definitions

A type that represent a cartesian product of the slice over slices and return result into Rc<RefCell<&mut [&T]>> by using CartesianProductCellIter
A pair of source and sink to get a sharable combination.
A pair of source and sink to get a sharable combination.
A tuples of 3 parameters that allow Permutation trait to create k-permutation iterator from it.
A tuple of 3 parameters that allow Permutation trait to create k-permutation ref iterator from it.
A pair of parameter that allow Permutation trait to create k-permutation iterator from it.