peep 0.1.4

The CLI text viewer tool that works like `less` command on small pane within the terminal window.
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The CLI text viewer tool that works like less command on small pane within the terminal window.


Pane on Terminal Window

peep can view text file freely.

Pane on Terminal Window

Read from Pipe

Pipe Input

Print Line Number

Print Line Number

Resize Pane

Resize Pane

Incremental Regex Search

Incremental Regex Search

Wide Width Character Support

Wide Width Character Support

Follow Mode

peep has the follow mode that can monitor file updates and read them continuously like tail -f or less +F.
Also, peep can switch between the normal mode and follow mode with F command.

Follow Mode

Highlighting on Follow Mode

peep can highlight the regex word on the follow mode.

Highlighting on Follow Mode

Text Line Wrapping

Text Line Wrapping


cargo install peep

If you don't have Rust toolchains, please refer to The Rust Programming Language.

Or, you can download peep binary file from GitHub peep Releases :)


peep [OPTION]... [FILE]


-n, --lines LINES        set height of pane
-t, --tab-width WIDTH    set tab width
-N, --print-line-number  print line numbers
-f, --follow             output appended data as the file grows
-h, --help               show this usage
-v, --version            show version


Commands on Normal Mode

(num)j Ctr-j Ctr-n  Scroll down
(num)k Ctr-k Ctr-p  Scroll up
(num)d Ctr-d        Scroll down half page
(num)u Ctr-u        Scroll up half page
(num)f Ctr-f SPACE  Scroll down a page
(num)b Ctr-b        Scroll up a page
(num)l              Scroll horizontally right
(num)h              Scroll horizontally left
(num)L              Scroll horizontally right half page
(num)H              Scroll horizontally left half page
0 Ctr-a             Go to the beggining of line
$ Ctr-e             Go to the end of line
g                   Go to the beggining of file
G                   Go to the end of file
[num]g [num]G       Go to line [num]
/pattern            Search forward in the file for the regex pattern
n                   Search next
N                   Search previous
q Ctr-c             Quit
(num)+              Increment screen height
(num)-              Decrement screen height
[num]=              Set screen height to [num]
#                   Toggle line number printing
!                   Toggle line wrapping
ESC                 Cancel
F                   Toggle to follow mode

Commands on Follow Mode

/pattern            Highlight the regex pattern
q Ctr-c             Quit
(num)+              Increment screen height
(num)-              Decrement screen height
[num]=              Set screen height to [num]
#                   Toggle line number printing
!                   Toggle line wrapping
ESC                 Cancel
F                   Toggle to normal mode"

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • MacOS


MIT License. Please refer to LICENSE file.