peekable_reader 0.0.2

Exposes a utility wrapper around Readers, allowing the clients to peek at the coming byte, without consuming it failed to build peekable_reader-0.0.2
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A utility struct for Rust: a wrapper around any Reader, which allows for performing peek operations, along with the usual Reader methods.


For now, the PeekableReader exposes a single additional method: fn peek_byte(&mut self) -> IoResult<u8> which is analogous to the read_byte method exposed by the Reader trait, returning the result that the next read_byte will return. This allows the clients to check the result of the next read operation, without actually consuming the byte from the input.

The error semantics are such that any errors raised by the underlying wrapped Reader while performing a peek operation are always returned on a subsequent read method call, so as to perserve the invariant that the result of peek_byte is always the same as the result of the following read_byte operation.

Since the PeekableReader also implements the Reader trait, it is possible to seamlessly plug it in anywhere any other Reader implementation would fit.

// Wrap any `Reader` instance into a PeekableReader.
let mut peekable_reader = PeekableReader::new(MemReader::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
// Now we can peek at the next byte, without consuming it...
let b = peekable_reader.peek_byte();
// Multiple calls of `peek_byte` before a read always return the same result
assert!(peekable_reader.peek_byte() == b);
// ...the result of the `peek_byte` is always exactly what the next
// `read_byte` call returns.
assert!(peekable_reader.read_byte() == b);
assert!(b.unwrap() == 1);

// A peeked byte is always correctly included in a read, regardless of which
// flavor of read is used from the `Reader` trait.
let _ = peekable_reader.peek_byte();
// (e.g. read into a buffer)
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![0, 0];;
assert_eq!(vec![2, 3], buffer);

// Peeking at the end returns an EOF
assert!(match peekable_reader.peek_byte() {
    Err(IoError { kind: IoErrorKind::EndOfFile, .. }) => true,
    _ => false,
