initSidebarItems({"struct":[["Pcg32Basic","A low overhead very simple PCG impementation"],["PcgEngine","A generic PCG structure."]],"type":[["McgXshRr12832",""],["McgXshRr12864",""],["McgXshRr6432",""],["McgXshRs12832",""],["McgXshRs12864",""],["McgXshRs6432",""],["OneseqXshRr12832",""],["OneseqXshRr12864",""],["OneseqXshRr6432",""],["OneseqXshRs12832",""],["OneseqXshRs12864",""],["OneseqXshRs6432",""],["Pcg32","A helper definition for a simple 32bit PCG which can have multiple random streams"],["Pcg32Fast","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which is fast but may lack statistical quality."],["Pcg32L","A helper definition for a simple 32bit PCG which can have multiple random streams. This version uses 128bits of internal state This makes it potentially slower but it has a longer period."],["Pcg32LFast","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which is fast but may lack statistical quality."],["Pcg32LOneseq","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which hase a fixed good random streamThis version uses 128bits of internal state This makes it potentially slower but it has a longer period."],["Pcg32LUnique","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which has a unique random stream for each instanceThis version uses 128bits of internal state This makes it potentially slower but it has a longer period."],["Pcg32Oneseq","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which hase a fixed good random stream"],["Pcg32Unique","A helper definition for a 32bit PCG which has a unique random stream for each instance"],["Pcg64","A helper definition for a simple 64bit PCG which can have multiple random streams"],["Pcg64Fast","A helper definition for a 64bit PCG which is fast but may lack statistical quality."],["Pcg64Oneseq","A helper definition for a 64bit PCG which hase a fixed good random stream"],["Pcg64Unique","A helper definition for a 64bit PCG which has a unique random stream for each instance"],["SetseqXshRr12832",""],["SetseqXshRr12864",""],["SetseqXshRr6432",""],["SetseqXshRs12832",""],["SetseqXshRs12864",""],["SetseqXshRs6432",""],["UniqueXshRr12832",""],["UniqueXshRr12864",""],["UniqueXshRr6432",""],["UniqueXshRs12832",""],["UniqueXshRs12864",""],["UniqueXshRs6432",""]]});