Module pbd::dsg[][src]

The dsg module provides functionality and structures that the Data Security Guard utilizes to enforce the Privacy by Design Separate and Enforce strategies.

These security features can be implemented in two manners:

  1. Instantiating a PrivacyGuard object and calling it’s methods
  2. Implementing the PrivacySecurityGuard traits for your own defined structure


Utilizing the PrivacyGuard structure to generate a RSA keypair

extern crate pbd;

use pbd::dsg::{PrivacyGuard, PrivacySecurityGuard, TransferSet};

fn main() {
    let guard = PrivacyGuard {};
    let keypair = guard.generate_keypair();

Implementing the PrivacySecurityGuard trait to generate a RSA keypair

extern crate pbd;

use pbd::dsg::{PrivacySecurityGuard};

fn main() {
    struct MyStruct {}
    impl MyStruct {
        fn hello(&self) -> String {
            "Hello World!".to_string()
    impl PrivacySecurityGuard for MyStruct {}

    let my_obj = MyStruct {};
    let keypair = my_obj.generate_keypair();

    println!("{}", my_obj.hello());

Use the secure_for_tranfer() and data_from_tranfer() methods, we can safely trasnfer the private data.

extern crate pbd;
extern crate openssl;

use pbd::dsg::{PrivacyGuard, PrivacySecurityGuard, TransferSet};
use openssl::rsa::Padding;

fn main() {
    // Obtain your public key, We will generate one for this example instead of reading a predefined public key.
    let guard = PrivacyGuard {};
    let keypair = guard.generate_keypair().unwrap();
    let priv_key = keypair.0;
    let pub_key = keypair.1;
    let padding = Padding::PKCS1;
    let original_message = String::from("my private data").as_bytes().to_vec();

    // prepare the data for transfer
    let transset = guard.secure_for_tranfer(pub_key, original_message.clone(), padding).unwrap();

    // The TransferSet returned has all the information the source will need to securely transfer the data
    // Once the transfer has completed, the target can extract the decrytped data form teh TranferSet
    let message_received = guard.data_from_tranfer(priv_key, transset).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(original_message, message_received);

For a further example, run the command cargo run --example data-security-guard. There are example service calls for POSTMAN (pbd.postman_collection.json) in the examples directory of the source code package.



Data Security Guard specific Errors



Represents the Security Gaurd


Represents the set of attributes your will need to transfer the data safely



The HTTP header that holds the Nonce (a.k.a. IV) for the RSA encrypted sytemmetirc key


The HTTP header that holds the Padding for the RSA encrypted sytemmetirc key


The HTTP header that holds the RSA encrypted sytemmetirc key



Trait that provides the DaaS security functionality