path_abs 0.3.0

Ergonomic paths and files in rust.

path_abs: ergonomic paths and files in rust.

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This library aims to provide ergonomic path and file operations to rust with reasonable performance.

The stdlib Path, PathBuf and File objects have non-helpful error messages (they don't mention the path where an error is from!) and don't tell you anything about the type the path was or whether the path even exists. It is also next to impossible to compare paths(does one have a symlink? What is the current workind directory? Etc).

The path_abs crate aims to make working with paths and files ergonomic, so that you can (in general) be protected from errors by the types of your path/file.

From the type you can tell:

  • The path you have existed (at least at one time).
  • The path you have is a certain type (PathFile or PathDir)
  • Any errors that happen when querying the filesystem will include information about the path.
  • Methods related to your type are within easy reach. For example, you can PathFile.append_str("something") or PathDir.list().
  • Open files have types which only impelement traits/methods related to their abilities. FileRead can only read, FileWrite can only write and FileEdit can do both. These types are guaranteed by their constructors to be able to accomplish their method and trait implemenations, and they give better errors too!

See the library docs for more information


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