[][src]Macro parze::rule

rule!() { /* proc-macro */ }

A macro to define parser rules.


Listed in order of precedence

~ xbefore paddingEquivalent to x.before_padding()
x ~after paddingEquivalent to x.after_padding()
x *anyEquivalent to x.repeat(..)
x +at least oneEquivalent to x.repeat(1..)
x ?optionalEquivalent to x.or_not()
x .%chainedEquivalent to x.chained()
x .#flattenEquivalent to x.flatten()
x .@linkEquivalent to x.link()
x ... yseparatedEquivalent to x.separated_by(y)
x & ythenEquivalent to x.then(y)
x % ychainEquivalent to x.chain(y)
x% yor chain
x -& ydelimiter forEquivalent to x.delimiter_for(y)
x &- ydelimited byEquivalent to x.delimited_by(y)
x -> YtoEquivalent to x.to(y)
x => FmapEquivalent to x.map(F)
x <: Freduce leftEquivalent to x.reduce_left(F)
x :> Freduce rightEquivalent to x.reduce_right(F)
x | yorEquivalent to x.or(y)
{ X }exprConsiders X to be a Rust expression