partial-io 0.3.1

Helpers to test partial, interrupted and would-block I/O operations.

partial-io Build Status

A Rust utility library to test resilience of Read or Write wrappers.

If you'd like to help out, see

Documentation (latest release)

Documentation (master)


use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read};

use partial_io::{PartialOp, PartialRead};

let data = b"Hello, world!".to_vec();
let cursor = Cursor::new(data);  // Cursor<Vec<u8>> implements io::Read
let ops = vec![PartialOp::Limited(7), PartialOp::Err(io::ErrorKind::Interrupted)];
let mut partial_read = PartialRead::new(cursor, ops);

let mut out = vec![0; 256];

// The first read will read 7 bytes.
assert_eq!( out).unwrap(), 7);
assert_eq!(&out[..7], b"Hello, ");
// The second read will fail with ErrorKind::Interrupted.
assert_eq!( out[7..]).unwrap_err().kind(), io::ErrorKind::Interrupted);
// The iterator has run out of operations, so it no longer truncates reads.
assert_eq!( out[7..]).unwrap(), 6);
assert_eq!(&out[..13], b"Hello, world!");

Quick start

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

partial-io = "0.3"

Next, add this to your crate:

extern crate partial_io;

Now you can use partial-io in your tests.

Tokio integration

partial-io can optionally integrate with the tokio-io library to provide wrappers for AsyncRead and AsyncWrite instances. Enable the tokio feature to use this:

partial-io = { version = "0.3", features = ["tokio"] }

QuickCheck integration

partial-io can optionally integrate with the quickcheck library to generate random test cases. Enable the quickcheck feature to use this:

partial-io = { version = "0.3", features = ["quickcheck"] }

See the documentation for how to use quickcheck to generate tests.


partial-io is MIT-licensed.