Crate parsercher[][src]

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Parses and searches Tag documents. (e.g. HTML, XML)

parsercher parses documents written in tags such as HTML and XML.

  • Create a Dom structure tree from the tag document.
  • Search for tags and text from the Dom structure tree.
  • Search subtrees from the Dom structure tree.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

parsercher = "3.0.0"


Example of getting text from HTML.
Create a tree of Dom structure from HTML and get the text of li tag that value of class attribute is target.

use parsercher;
use parsercher::dom::Tag;

let html = r#"
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>sample html</title>
      <li class="target">first</li>
      <li class="target">therd</li>

if let Ok(root_dom) = parsercher::parse(&html) {
    let mut needle = Tag::new("li");
    needle.set_attr("class", "target");

    if let Some(texts) = parsercher::search_text_from_tag_children(&root_dom, &needle) {
        assert_eq!(texts.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(texts[0], "first".to_string());
        assert_eq!(texts[1], "therd".to_string());

Example of searching a subtree from the Dom structure tree.

Find a subtree that has a ul tag whose value in the class attribute is targetList and two li tags under it. Also, the values of the class attribute of the li tag must be key1 and key2, respectively.

Looking for:

<ul class="targetList">
  <li class="key1"></li>
  <li class="key2"></li>
use parsercher;

let doc = r#"
    <ul id="list1" class="targetList">
      <li class="key1">1-1</li>
      <li class="key2">

    <ul id="list2">
      <li class="key1">2-1</li>

        <ul class="targetList">
          <ul id="list3" class="targetList">
            <li class="key1">3-1</li>
            <li class="item">3-2</li>
            <li class="key2">3-3</li>

    <ul id="list4">
      <li class="key1">4-1</li>
      <li class="key2">4-2</li>

let root_dom = parsercher::parse(&doc).unwrap();

let needle = r#"
<ul class="targetList">
  <li class="key1"></li>
  <li class="key2"></li>
let needle_dom = parsercher::parse(&needle).unwrap();
// Remove `root`dom of needle_dom
let needle_dom = needle_dom.get_children().unwrap().get(0).unwrap();

if let Some(dom) = parsercher::search_dom(&root_dom, &needle_dom) {


  <ul id="list1" class="targetList">
    <li class="key1">
      TEXT: "1-1"
    <li class="key2">
        TEXT: "1-2"
  <ul id="list3" class="targetList">
    <li class="key1">
      TEXT: "3-1"
    <li class="item">
      TEXT: "3-2"
    <li class="key2">
      TEXT: "3-3"

More complex examples of Dom structure tree

use parsercher;

let html = r#"
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>sample html</title>
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

    <div id="content"></div>

    <!-- All script code becomes one text -->
  let content = document.getElementById('content');
  content.textContent = 'content';

if let Ok(dom) = parsercher::parse(&html) {
    println!("{:#?}", dom);


Dom {
    dom_type: Tag,
    tag: Some(
        Tag {
            name: "root",
            attr: None,
            terminated: false,
            terminator: false,
    text: None,
    comment: None,
    children: Some(
            Dom {
                dom_type: Tag,
                tag: Some(
                    Tag {
                        name: "!DOCTYPE",
                        attr: Some(
                                "html": "",
                        terminated: false,
                        terminator: false,
                text: None,
                comment: None,
                children: None,
            Dom {
                dom_type: Tag,
                tag: Some(
                    Tag {
                        name: "html",
                        attr: None,
                        terminated: false,
                        terminator: false,
                text: None,
                comment: None,
                children: Some(
                        Dom {
                            dom_type: Tag,
                            tag: Some(
                                Tag {
                                    name: "head",
                                    attr: None,
                                    terminated: false,
                                    terminator: false,
                            text: None,
                            comment: None,
                            children: Some(
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "meta",
                                                attr: Some(
                                                        "charset": "UTF-8",
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: None,
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "title",
                                                attr: None,
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: Some(
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Text,
                                                    tag: None,
                                                    text: Some(
                                                        Text {
                                                            text: "sample html",
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: None,
                        Dom {
                            dom_type: Tag,
                            tag: Some(
                                Tag {
                                    name: "body",
                                    attr: None,
                                    terminated: false,
                                    terminator: false,
                            text: None,
                            comment: None,
                            children: Some(
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "h1",
                                                attr: None,
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: Some(
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Text,
                                                    tag: None,
                                                    text: Some(
                                                        Text {
                                                            text: "Hello, world!",
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: None,
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "div",
                                                attr: Some(
                                                        "id": "content",
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: None,
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "ol",
                                                attr: None,
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: Some(
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Tag,
                                                    tag: Some(
                                                        Tag {
                                                            name: "li",
                                                            attr: None,
                                                            terminated: false,
                                                            terminator: false,
                                                    text: None,
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: Some(
                                                            Dom {
                                                                dom_type: Text,
                                                                tag: None,
                                                                text: Some(
                                                                    Text {
                                                                        text: "first",
                                                                comment: None,
                                                                children: None,
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Tag,
                                                    tag: Some(
                                                        Tag {
                                                            name: "li",
                                                            attr: None,
                                                            terminated: false,
                                                            terminator: false,
                                                    text: None,
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: Some(
                                                            Dom {
                                                                dom_type: Text,
                                                                tag: None,
                                                                text: Some(
                                                                    Text {
                                                                        text: "second",
                                                                comment: None,
                                                                children: None,
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Tag,
                                                    tag: Some(
                                                        Tag {
                                                            name: "li",
                                                            attr: None,
                                                            terminated: false,
                                                            terminator: false,
                                                    text: None,
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: Some(
                                                            Dom {
                                                                dom_type: Text,
                                                                tag: None,
                                                                text: Some(
                                                                    Text {
                                                                        text: "therd",
                                                                comment: None,
                                                                children: None,
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Comment,
                                        tag: None,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: Some(
                                            Comment {
                                                comment: " All script code becomes one text ",
                                        children: None,
                                    Dom {
                                        dom_type: Tag,
                                        tag: Some(
                                            Tag {
                                                name: "script",
                                                attr: None,
                                                terminated: false,
                                                terminator: false,
                                        text: None,
                                        comment: None,
                                        children: Some(
                                                Dom {
                                                    dom_type: Text,
                                                    tag: None,
                                                    text: Some(
                                                        Text {
                                                            text: "\n  let content = document.getElementById(\'content\');\n  content.textContent = \'content\';\n",
                                                    comment: None,
                                                    children: None,



Module for representing a tree of Dom structures.



Parses the tag document and returns a Dom structure tree.


Output the Dom structure in a human readable format.


Returns the value of a specific attribute for all tags.


Returns partial trees from the Dom structure tree. Duplicate everything below the subtree that matches the needle tree.


Returns Tag structures from which the needle is a sufficient condition from the Dom structure tree.


Returns Tag structures with a tag name equal to name from the Dom structure tree.


Returns texts of the child of the Tag structure for which needle is a sufficient condition from the Dom structure tree.