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parse_mediawiki_sql parses SQL dumps of a MediaWiki database. The SQL dumps are scripts that create a database table and insert rows into it. The entry point is iterate_sql_insertions, which creates an iterable struct from a byte slice (&[u8]). The struct is generic over the type returned by the iterator, and this type must be one of the structs in the schemas module, which represent rows in the database, such as Page.


This crate is available from crates.io and can be used by adding parse-mediawiki-sql to your dependencies in your project’s Cargo.toml.

parse-mediawiki-sql = "0.10"

If you’re using Rust 2015, then you’ll also need to add it to your crate root:

extern crate parse_mediawiki_sql;


To generate a Vec containing the titles of all redirect pages:

use parse_mediawiki_sql::{
    field_types::{PageNamespace, PageTitle},
use std::fs::File;
let page_sql = unsafe { memory_map("page.sql")? };
let redirects: Vec<(PageNamespace, PageTitle)> =
            |Page { namespace, title, is_redirect, .. }| {
                if is_redirect {
                    Some((namespace, title))
                } else {

Only a mutable reference to the struct is iterable, so a for-loop must use &mut or .into_iter() to iterate over the struct:

for Page { namespace, title, is_redirect, .. } in &mut iterate_sql_insertions(&page_sql) {
    if is_redirect {
        dbg!((namespace, title));


pub use error::Error;
pub use from_sql::IResult;


The error types used by FromSqlTuple and FromSql.
The types used in the schemas module.
Defines the FromSql trait and implements it for external types.
Types that represent rows in tables of the MediaWiki database.
Defines memory_map to read decompressed MediaWiki SQL files, and NamespaceMap to display a page title prefixed by its namespace name.


Trait for converting from a SQL tuple to a Rust type, which can borrow from the string or not. Used by iterate_sql_insertions.


The entry point of the crate. Takes a SQL dump of a MediaWiki database table as bytes and yields an iterator over structs representing rows in the table.