Crate parquet[][src]

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format that provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes to improve performance of handling complex nested data structures. Parquet implements record-shredding and assembly algorithm described in the Dremel paper.

Crate provides API to access file schema and metadata from a Parquet file, extract row groups or column chunks from a file, and read records/values.


See the link for the latest version of the crate.

Add parquet to the list of dependencies in Cargo.toml and this to the project's crate root:

extern crate parquet;


Import file reader to get access to Parquet metadata, including the file schema.


use std::convert::TryFrom;
use parquet::file::reader::{FileReader, SerializedFileReader};

let reader = SerializedFileReader::try_from("data/alltypes_plain.parquet").unwrap();

let parquet_metadata = reader.metadata();
assert_eq!(parquet_metadata.num_row_groups(), 1);

let file_metadata = parquet_metadata.file_metadata();
assert_eq!(file_metadata.num_rows(), 8);

let schema = file_metadata.schema();
assert_eq!(schema.get_fields().len(), 11);

Crate offers several read API options, the simplest one is getting record reader directly, see below:


use std::convert::TryFrom;
use parquet::file::reader::{FileReader, SerializedFileReader};

let reader = SerializedFileReader::try_from("data/alltypes_plain.parquet").unwrap();

// Reading data using record API, optional projection schema can be passed as well.
let mut iter = reader.get_row_iter(None).unwrap();
while let Some(record) = {
  // See record API for different field accessors
  println!("{}", record);


Module metadata contains Parquet metadata structs, including file metadata, that has information about file schema, version, and number of rows, row group metadata with a set of column chunks that contain column type and encodings, number of values and compressed/uncompressed size in bytes.


Statistics are optional, and provide min/max values, null count, etc. for each column or data page, from which they could be accessed respectively, and are described in statistics module.

Schema and type

Parquet schema can be extracted from FileMetaData and is represented by Parquet type.

Parquet type is described by Type, including top level message type (schema). Refer to the schema module for the detailed information on Type API, printing and parsing of message types.

File and row group API

Module file contains all definitions to explore Parquet files metadata and data. File reader FileReader is a starting point for working with Parquet files - it provides set of methods to get file metadata, row group readers RowGroupReader to get access to column readers and record iterator.

Read API

Crate offers several methods to read data from a Parquet file:

  • Low level column reader API (see file and column modules)
  • Arrow API (TODO)
  • High level record API (see record module)



Contains Rust mappings for Thrift definition. Refer to parquet.thrift file to see raw definitions.


Low level column reader API.


Contains codec interface and supported codec implementations.


Data types that connect Parquet physical types with their Rust-specific representations.


Contains all supported decoders for Parquet.


Contains all supported encoders for Parquet.


Common Parquet errors and macros.


Main entrypoint for working with Parquet API. Provides access to file and row group readers, record API, etc.


Utility methods and structs for working with memory.


Contains record-based API for reading Parquet files.


Parquet schema definitions and methods to print and parse schema.