parquet 0.1.0

Apache Parquet implementation in Rust failed to build parquet-0.1.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: parquet-51.0.0


Build Status Coverage Status License

An Apache Parquet implementation in Rust (work in progress)


  • Rust nightly
  • Thrift 0.11.0 or higher

See Working with nightly Rust to install nightly toolchain and set it as default. Follow instructions on Apache Thrift website to install the required version of Thrift (it may be necessary to build from source).

For more information on setup and build refer to .travis.yml file (before_script section).

System Dependencies

All of the dependencies are required by Thrift install, please see Apache Thrift website for installing or updating necessary dependencies.


Run cargo build or cargo build --release to build in release mode.


Run cargo test for unit tests.


The following binaries are provided (use cargo install to install them):

  • parquet-schema for printing Parquet file schema and metadata. Usage: parquet-schema <file-path> [verbose], where file-path is the path to a Parquet file, and optional verbose is the boolean flag that allows to print full metadata or schema only (when not specified only schema will be printed).

  • parquet-read for reading records from a Parquet file. Usage: parquet-read <file-path> [num-records], where file-path is the path to a Parquet file, and num-records is the number of records to read from a file (when not specified all records will be printed).


Run cargo bench for benchmarks.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: