initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Color","A generic color type."]],"mod":[["gradient","Types for interpolation between multiple colors."]],"struct":[["Hsl","Linear HSL color space with an alpha component."],["Hsv","Linear HSV color space with an alpha component."],["Lab","The CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) color space with an alpha component."],["LabHue","A hue type for the CIE L*a*b* family of color spaces."],["Lch","CIE L*C*h°, a polar version of CIE L*a*b*, with an alpha component."],["Luma","Linear luminance with an alpha component."],["Rgb","Linear RGB with an alpha component."],["RgbHue","A hue type for the RGB family of color spaces."],["Xyz","The CIE 1931 XYZ color space with an alpha component."]],"trait":[["ColorSpace","Common functionality for color spaces."],["GetHue","A trait for colors where a hue may be calculated."],["Hue","A trait for colors where the hue can be manipulated without conversion."],["Mix","A trait for linear color interpolation."],["RgbPixel","A conversion trait for RGB pixel types."],["Saturate","A trait for colors where the saturation (or chroma) can be manipulated without conversion."],["Shade","The `Shade` trait allows a color to be lightened or darkened."]]});