pakr-iec 1.0.1

Functions to format numbers as decimal (1000 is 1.0k) and IEC (1024 is 1.0ki) up to YOTTA suffix.

Functions to format numbers as decimal (1000 is 1.0k) and IEC (1024 is 1.0ki) up to YOTTA suffix.


use pakr_iec::*;
assert_eq!("1.0", decimal(1));
assert_eq!("1.0", iec(1));
assert_eq!("1.0k", decimal(1000));
assert_eq!("1.0ki", iec(1024));
assert_eq!("10.0M", decimal(10_000_000));
assert_eq!("10.0Mi", iec(10 * 1024 * 1024));
assert_eq!("1.0Y", decimal(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128));
assert_eq!("1.0Yi", iec(1_208_925_819_614_629_174_706_176_u128));