[][src]Crate pair_macro

Create types consisting of the same type values such that Pair, Triplet, and so on.

This crate runs on no-std environment.


Use a provided type Pair<T>.

use pair_macro::Pair;

let p = Pair::new(1.0, 2.0); // Pair<f64>
let q = p.map(|v| v * 2.0);

assert_eq!(Pair::new(2.0, 4.0), q);

// `Pair<T>` has `x` and `y` fields
assert_eq!(2.0, q.x);
assert_eq!(4.0, q.y);

Create a new pair type.

use pair_macro::create_pair_prelude::*;

create_pair!(MyOwnPair; a, b, c, d);

let p = MyOwnPair::new(1, 2, 3, 4); // MyOwnPair<i32>
let q = MyOwnPair::new(5, 6, 7, 8);
let r = p + q;

// `MyOwnPair<T>` has `a`, `b`, `c` and `d` fields
assert_eq!(6, r.a);
assert_eq!(8, r.b);
assert_eq!(10, r.c);
assert_eq!(12, r.d);

Use provided methods

use core::str::FromStr;
use pair_macro::Pair;

let p = Pair::new(["hello", "42"], ["world", "58"]); // Pair<[&str; 2]>
let value = p
    .as_ref()            // Pair<&[&str; 2]>
    .map(|strs| strs[1]) // Pair<&str>
    .map(i32::from_str)  // Pair<Result<i32, Error>>
    .into_result()       // Result<Pair<i32>, Error>
    .unwrap()            // Pair<i32>
    .into_iter()         // Iterates each value in the pair (`42` and `58` in this situation)
    .sum::<i32>();       // 42 + 58

assert_eq!(100, value);

Of course, your original pair types defined by create_pair! macro have the same methods.


Pair types support serde by enabling serde feature in your Cargo.toml.


Pair types' documentation may be slightly hard to read since it is generated by macro expansion.



This is required to create a pair type.



Creates a pair type. When this macro is used out of this crate, pair_macro::create_pair_prelude must be imported.



Represents a pair consisting of the same-type values.


Represents a pair consisting of the same-type values.