pad 0.1.3

Library for padding strings at runtime failed to build pad-0.1.3
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This is a library for padding strings at runtime.

The routines in std::fmt only work with formatting strings provided at compile-time, making them unsuitable for padding to a custom or user-defined value. Rather than re-implement all of std::fmt, padding is probably the most common use case, which is written in a more runtime-friendly fashion here.

It provides four helper functions for the most common use cases, and one main function to cover the other cases.

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This crate, like all external crates, works very well with Cargo. Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

git = ""

And the pad crate should be available to you.


You can pad a string to have a minimum width with the pad_to_width method:

use pad::PadStr;
println!("{}", "Hi there!".pad_to_width(16));

This will print out "Hi there!" followed by seven spaces, which is the number of spaces necessary to bring it up to a total of sixteen characters wide.

String length is determined with the width function, without assuming CJK.


By default, strings are left-aligned: any extra characters are added on the right. To change this, pass in an Alignment value:

use pad::{PadStr, Alignment};
let s = "I'm over here".pad_to_width_with_alignment(20, Alignment::Right);

There are four of these in total:

  • Left, which puts the text on the left and spaces on the right;
  • Right, which puts the text on the right and spaces on the left;
  • Middle, which centres the text evenly, putting it slightly to the left if it can't be exactly centered;
  • MiddleRight, as above, but to the right.


Another thing that's set by default is the character that's used to pad the strings - by default, it's space, but you can change it:

use pad::PadStr;
let s = "Example".pad_to_width_with_char(10, '_');


Finally, you can override what happens when a value exceeds the width you give. By default, the width parameter indicates a minimum width: any string less will be padded, but any string greater will still be returned in its entirety.

You can instead tell it to pad with a maximum value, which will truncate the input when a string longer than the width is passed in.

use pad::PadStr;
let short = "short".with_exact_width(10);  // "short     "
let long = "this string is long".with_exact_width(10);  // "this strin"

A Full Example

All of the above functions delegate to the pad function, which you can use in special cases. Here, in order to right-pad a number with zeroes, pass in all the arguments:

use pad::{PadStr, Alignment};
let s = "12345".pad(10, '0', Alignment::Right, true);

(The true at the end could just as easily be false. It's whether to truncate or not.)

Note on Debugging

One very last point: the width function takes a usize, rather than a signed number type. This means that if you try to pass in a negative size, it'll wrap around to a positive size, and produce a massive string and possibly crash your program. So if your padding calls are failing for some reason, this is probably why.