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A crate exposing the pact APIs to other languages via a C Foreign Function Interface.


Tools for FFI error reporting and handling.

Sets up a log sink to view logs from the FFI.

The mock_server module provides a number of exported functions using C bindings for controlling a mock server. These can be used in any language that supports C bindings.

Represents messages in pact_matching.

The plugins module provides exported functions using C bindings for using plugins with Pact tests.

The verifier module provides a number of exported functions using C bindings for controlling the pact verification process. These can be used in any language that supports C bindings.


Get a mutable reference from a raw pointer

Get an immutable reference from a raw pointer

Construct a CStr safely with null checks.

Construct a &str safely with null checks.


A collection of mismatches from a matching comparison.

An iterator over mismatches.


Enum that defines the different types of mismatches that can occur.


Enable ANSI coloured output on Windows. On non-Windows platforms, this function is a no-op.

Initialise the mock server library, can provide an environment variable name to use to set the log levels. This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global tracing subscriber.

Initialises logging, and sets the log level explicitly. This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global tracing subscriber.

Log using the shared core logging facility.

Match a pair of messages, producing a collection of mismatches, which is empty if the two messages matched.

Get an ANSI-compatible description of a mismatch.

Get a description of a mismatch.

Get a summary of a mismatch.

Get a JSON representation of the mismatch.

Get the type of a mismatch.

Delete mismatches

Get an iterator over mismatches.

Delete a mismatches iterator when you’re done with it.

Get the next mismatch from a mismatches iterator.

Returns the current library version