Crate oxide_auth

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An OAuth2 server library, for use in combination with actix-web or other front-ends, featuring a set of configurable and pluggable back-ends.


oxide-auth aims at providing a comprehensive and extensible interface to managing OAuth2 tokens on a server. This depends on both a front-end facing web server for network operations and a back-end implementation for policies and data storage. The main interface is designed around traits in both directions, so that the front-end is as easily pluggable as the back-end. There are many adaptations for specific web server crates (actix, rocket, iron, rouille) in associated crates

§Create a web server with OAuth security

So you want to build a new OAuth provider? Instead of only relying on tokens provided by other large internet entities, you want to make your own tokens? Examples of this use case: A web facing data portal, automation endpoints (in the style of Reddit or Discord), or even to restrict the authorization of different components of your own software by applying these techniques to your REST/GraphQL/.. back-end.

Choose one of the available adaptor crates, a complete list can be found in the frontends module, or translate the HTTP to the generic software endpoint found in frontends::simple.

Next, a set of primitives needs to be chosen. These will depend on the policies need for Your use case but will in general encompass a Registrar, an Authorizer, and an Issuer. There is a simple, in-memory implementation provided for each of those. More complex solutions might require a customized trait implementation especially when specific cryptographic standards or consistency requirements are needed. (It would be appreciated if those were shared with the community as an open-source project, for example as a complementary crate, but not mandatory).

And finally, an implementation of an Endpoint is required, handling the request type that has been chosen and forwarding it to the primitives. In very simple cases this can be an instantiation of the Generic struct. But for most complex cases it should instead be a custom trait implementation that is tailored to Your specific requirements. Besides the previously chosen primitives, the endpoint require You to choose two more interface: An OwnerSolicitor to interact with Your session handling, user consent, and CSRF protection; and the Scopes deciding required permissions for a request.

§Custom Front-Ends

A key feature is the ability to add your own front-end without jeopardizing safety requirements. For example to add your in-house server and request representation! This requires custom, related implementations of WebRequest and WebResponse. In theory, you are not even restricted to HTTP as long as the parameters can be transmitted safely. WARNING: Custom front-ends MUST ensure a secure transportation layer with confidential clients. This means using TLS for communication over HTTPS.

For more information, see the documentation of endpoint and frontends.


  • Available backend algorithms.
  • Polymorphic HTTP wrappers for code grant authorization and other flows.
  • A base for implementing front-ends.
  • A collection of primites useful for more than one authorization method.