Crate outcome [] [src]

The outcome crate

Type Outcome represents a success or failure: Every Outcome is either Success or Failure

fn do_something() -> Outcome {
    // ...
// The return value is an outcome
let result = do_something();
// Pattern Match
match result {
    Success => println!("Well done!"),
    Failure => println!("Oh well :("),


Using and_then on an Outcome:

// Returns `Failure`
let result = Outcome::from_bool(false);
match result.and_then(|| Success) {
    Success => println!("Success! :)"),
    Failure => println!("Failure :("),

Using or_none on an Outcome to transform it into an Option:

let result = Success;
// Encapsulates arg within an option
match result.or_none("hello!") {
    Some(s) => println!("{}", s),
    None => println!("Nothing here!"),

