
pub use otter;
pub use humantime;




Provides the Boolinator trait, which lets you use Option and Result-style combinators with bools.

This crate offers functionality for casting between trait objects using only safe Rust and no platform specific code. If you want to downcast to concrete types instead of other trait objects then this crate can’t help you, instead use std::any or a crate like downcast-rs.

Chrono: Date and Time for Rust

Chrono-TZ 0.4.1

This crate removes some boilerplate for structs that simply delegate some of their methods to one or more of their fields.

This crate provides traits which describe functionality of cryptographic hash functions and Message Authentication algorithms.


The enum Either with variants Left and Right is a general purpose sum type with two cases.

A simple logger that can be configured via environment variables, for use with the logging facade exposed by the log crate.

A flexible and easy-to-use logger that writes logs to stderr and/or to files or other output streams.

Extended utilities for working with files and filesystems in Rust.

Support for matching file paths against Unix shell style patterns.

This crate helps with defining “newtype”-style wrappers around usize (or other integers), Vec<T>, and [T] so that some additional type safety can be gained at zero cost.

A crate for things that are

A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics.

libc - Raw FFI bindings to platforms’ system libraries

A lightweight logging facade.

Rust friendly bindings to the various *nix system functions.


Wrappers for total order on Floats. See the OrderedFloat and NotNan docs for details.

Otter game system (part thereeof)

This library provides implementations of Mutex, RwLock, Condvar and Once that are smaller, faster and more flexible than those in the Rust standard library. It also provides a ReentrantMutex type.

Safe interface to <pwd.h>

This crate provides a library for parsing, compiling, and executing regular expressions. Its syntax is similar to Perl-style regular expressions, but lacks a few features like look around and backreferences. In exchange, all searches execute in linear time with respect to the size of the regular expression and search text.

This crate connects Rust MessagePack library with serde providing an ability to easily serialize and deserialize both Rust built-in types, the standard library and custom data structures.

An implementation of the SHA-2 cryptographic hash algorithms.



A TOML-parsing library

A unix domain sockets library that supports abstract addresses, fd-passing, SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets and more.

Determine displayed width of char and str types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules.

deque (double-ended queue) with stable element indices

A library for reading and writing ZIP archives. ZIP is a format designed for cross-platform file “archiving”. That is, storing a collection of files in a single datastream to make them easier to share between computers. Additionally, ZIP is able to compress and encrypt files in its archives.