ostn02_phf 0.1.2

A PHF map of the OSTN02 grid shifts for use in transforming ETRS89 grid coordinates to OSGB36
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A Rust Crate which provides fast lookup of OSTN02 adjustments, for the conversion of ETRS89 grid coordinates to OSGB36.


// The key is the combined hex-transformed (03x) kilometer-grid reference of the ETRS89 Northings and Eastings coordinates
use ostn02_phf::ostn02_lookup;
// Caister Tower Eastings and Northings: 651307.003, 313255.686
let e_grid = (651307.003 / 1000.) as i32;
let n_grid = (313255.686 / 1000.) as i32;
let key = format!("{:03x}{:03x}", n_grid, e_grid);
// key is 13928b
let result = ostn02_lookup(&*key).unwrap();
// result should be (16500, 3359, 270)
assert_eq!(result, (16500, 3359, 270));
// remember that the actual adjustment for a coordinate is a bilinear transform, using a square
// see ostn02_shifts in https://github.com/urschrei/lonlat_bng/blob/master/src/ostn02/mod.rs



This software makes use of OSTN02 data, which is © Crown copyright, Ordnance Survey and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) 2002. All rights reserved. Provided under the BSD 2-clause license.