[][src]Crate osshkeys

A library to handle OpenSSH key and other common SSH key

The library is still under development, so there are some functions that haven't implemented. Some api may also change in the future.

The main function of this library is to read, write different formats of SSH keys. Also, it provide the ability to generate a key, sign and verify data.

Format Planning to Support

  • Public Key
    • PEM
    • OpenSSH
  • Private Key
    • PEM
    • OpenSSH v2
    • PuTTY

Supported Key Type

  • DSA
  • RSA
  • EcDSA
  • Ed25519


use osshkeys::{KeyPair, KeyType, Key as _, PublicParts as _, PrivateParts as _};
use osshkeys::keys::FingerprintHash;

let keyfile = std::fs::read_to_string("assets/openssh_ed25519_enc").unwrap();
let keypair = KeyPair::from_keystr(&keyfile, Some("12345678")).unwrap();

// Get the public key
let publickey = keypair.clone_public_key().unwrap();

// Get the key type
assert_eq!(keypair.keytype(), KeyType::ED25519);

// Get the fingerprint
assert_eq!(keypair.fingerprint(FingerprintHash::MD5).unwrap(), hex!("d29552b0c87d7ff1acb3c2229e783321"));

// Sign some data
const SOME_DATA: &[u8] = b"8Kn9PPQV";
let sign = keypair.sign(SOME_DATA).unwrap();

assert_eq!(sign.as_slice(), hex!("7206f04ef062ec35f8fb9f9e8a17ec023070ecf5f6e1021ea2af73137b1b832bba08766e5ad95fdca81af37b27898428f9a7dbeb044dd550afeb46efb94fe808").as_ref());
assert!(publickey.verify(SOME_DATA, &sign).unwrap());


pub use keys::Key;
pub use keys::KeyPair;
pub use keys::KeyType;
pub use keys::PrivateParts;
pub use keys::PublicKey;
pub use keys::PublicParts;



Containing the encrypt/decrypt algorithm


Containing the error type of this crate


Representing different types of public/private keys


Extension to read/write ssh data type representations defined in RFC 4251