orion 0.12.6

Easy and usable rust crypto


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orion is a cryptography library written in pure Rust. It aims to provide easy and usable crypto while trying to minimize the use of unsafe code. You can read more about orion in the wiki.

Currently supports:

  • AEAD: (X)ChaCha20Poly1305.
  • Stream ciphers: (X)ChaCha20.
  • MAC: HMAC-SHA512, Poly1305.
  • XOF: cSHAKE256.
  • Hashing: BLAKE2b, SHA512.


This library is not suitable for production code and usage is at own risk.

More information about security regarding orion is available in the wiki.

Features and Requirements

  • By default orion targets stable Rust and in this case, extra dependency specifications are not required.

  • no_std: To use orion in a no_std context, you need to specify the dependency as such:

version = "*" # Replace * with the most recent version
default-features = false
features = ["no_std"]

no_std requires Rust nightly and benefits from the same inline assembly features as when using the nightly feature.

When orion is used in a no_std context, access to nearly all functionality, except for that in hazardous, is not available. This is because the high-level functionality depends on the OsRng which is not available in no_std.

  • nightly: The nightly feature enables the use of inline assembly for constant-time comparisons. Using nightly is recommended for security. Specify the dependency as such, to use the nightly feature:
version = "*" # Replace * with the most recent version
default-features = false
features = ["nightly"]

nightly requires Rust nightly.


Can be viewed here or built with:

cargo doc --no-deps


The wiki has details on how orion is tested. To run all tests:

cargo test

Fuzzing is done using either cargo-fuzz, with targets in the fuzz/ folder, or honggfuzz-rs in orion-fuzz. The fuzzing targets in orion-fuzz are newer and maintained more. See orion-fuzz on how to start fuzzing with honggfuzz-rs.

Fuzzing targets for cargo-fuzz can be run with:

cargo +nightly fuzz run -O fuzz_target


The library can be benchmarked as below. All benchmarking tests are located in benches/.

cargo +nightly bench


Can be found here.


orion is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.