Crate orion

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A usable pure-Rust cryptography library.

Authenticated secret-key encryption

orion::aead offers authenticated secret-key encryption using XChaCha20Poly1305.

Password hashing and verification

orion::pwhash offers password hashing and verification using PBKDF2.

Key derivation

orion::kdf offers key derivation using PBKDF2.

Message authentication

orion::auth offers message authentication and verification using HMAC.

A note on no_std:

When orion is used in a no_std context, access to nearly all functionality outside of hazardous, is not available.

More information about orion is available in the wiki.


Authenticated secret-key encryption.
Message authentication.
Errors for orion’s cryptographic operations.
[Caution] Low-level API.
Key derivation.
Password hashing and verification.
Utilities such as constant-time comparison.