var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["ord_subset"] = {"doc":"Ever wanted to call `.max()` on an iterator of floats? Now you can! Well, almost: `.ord_subset_max()`.","items":[[3,"OrdVar","ord_subset","Wrapper to signal that the contained variables have a total order. It's illegal to compare two `OrdVar`s that are not ordered.\nFor this reason, it's unsafe to create `OrdVar`s without checking. Checked constructors are available for `OrdSubset` types.",null,null],[11,"hash","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"clone","","",0,null],[11,"partial_cmp","","",0,null],[11,"lt","","",0,null],[11,"le","","",0,null],[11,"gt","","",0,null],[11,"ge","","",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"ne","","",0,null],[11,"new","","Construct an ```OrdVar``` out of the argument.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"ordvar"}}],[11,"new_checked","","Constructs an ```Option<OrdVar>``` out of the argument. Returns None if the argument is outside the total order.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"option"}}],[11,"new_unchecked","","Constructs an `OrdVar` without validity check. Incorrectly constructed `OrdVar`s may panic during comparisons.\nThis is the only way to construct an `OrdVar` out of a type that is not `OrdSubset`.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"ordvar"}}],[11,"into_inner","","",0,null],[11,"cmp","","",0,null],[11,"deref","","",0,null],[8,"OrdSubsetIterExt","","",null,null],[11,"ord_subset_max","","Consumes the entire iterator to return the maximum element.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_min","","Consumes the entire iterator to return the minimum element.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_min_by_key","","Returns the element that gives the minimum value from the specified function.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` on the mapped value are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_max_by_key","","Returns the element that gives the maximum value from the specified function.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` on the mapped value are ignored.",1,null],[8,"OrdSubsetSliceExt","","",null,null],[10,"ord_subset_sort","","Sort the slice, in place. Values outside the ordered subset are put at the end in no particular order.",2,null],[10,"ord_subset_sort_rev","","**UNSTABLE** Will likely remove these. Easily recreated by `.sort_by()`",2,null],[10,"ord_subset_sort_by","","Sorts the slice, in place, using compare to compare elements. Values outside the total order are put at the end. The comparator will not be called on them. If you wish to handle these yourself, use the regular `.sort_by()`.\nThe comparator function will only be used for elements inside the total order.",2,null],[10,"ord_subset_binary_search","","Binary search a sorted slice for a given element. Values outside the ordered subset need to be at the end of the slice.",2,null],[10,"ord_subset_binary_search_by","","Binary search a sorted slice with a comparator function.",2,null],[10,"ord_subset_binary_search_rev","","**UNSTABLE** Will likely remove these. Easily recreated by `.binary_search_by()`",2,null],[8,"OrdSubset","","Trait for types that form a total order when a few values are disallowed.",null,null],[10,"is_outside_order","","",3,null],[11,"ord_subset_max","","Consumes the entire iterator to return the maximum element.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_min","","Consumes the entire iterator to return the minimum element.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_min_by_key","","Returns the element that gives the minimum value from the specified function.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` on the mapped value are ignored.",1,null],[11,"ord_subset_max_by_key","","Returns the element that gives the maximum value from the specified function.\nValues outside the ordered subset as given by `.is_outside_order()` on the mapped value are ignored.",1,null]],"paths":[[3,"OrdVar"],[8,"OrdSubsetIterExt"],[8,"OrdSubsetSliceExt"],[8,"OrdSubset"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);