[][src]Crate operator_sugar

This crate provides simple macros that serve as syntactic sugar to make overloading operators in Rust easier.

The basic syntax for binary operators is in this format:

struct Left(i32);
struct Right(i32);
struct Answer(i32);

operator!(Left, Right: a + b -> Answer {
    // Implementation of the operator function here
    Answer(a.0 + b.0)

Meta Attributes

Attributes can be applied to the impl block (which implements e.g. Add) and the fn block respectively:

struct Left(i32);
struct Right(i32);
struct Answer(i32);

    #[doc("This attribute will be applied on the `impl` block")] Left, Right:
    #[doc("This attribute will be applied on the `fn` block")] a + b -> Answer {
        Answer(a.0 + b.0)


Generics can be used on the three types and on the impl block.

Due to disambiguation, generic parameters for the impl block must be written in {} rather than <>.

use core::ops::Add;
struct Left<T>(T) where T: Add<i32, Output = i32>;
struct Right(i32);
struct Answer(i32);

    {T: Add<i32, Output = i32>}
    Left<T>, Right: a + b -> Answer {
        Answer(a.0 + b.0)

List of operators

For conciseness, these definitions are defined for each of the following examples:

use operator_sugar::*;
#[derive(Debug)] struct Left(i32);
#[derive(Debug)] struct Right(i32);
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]struct Answer(i32);


operator!(Left, Right: a + b -> Answer {
    Answer(a.0 + b.0)

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Left(1) + Right(2), Answer(3));


operator!(Left, Right: a - b -> Answer {
    Answer(a.0 - b.0)

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Left(1) - Right(2), Answer(-1));


operator!(Left, Right: a * b -> Answer {
    Answer(a.0 * b.0)

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Left(3) * Right(2), Answer(6));


operator!(Left, Right: a / b -> Answer {
    Answer(a.0 / b.0)

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Left(8) / Right(2), Answer(4));


operator!(Left, Right: a % b -> Answer {
    Answer(a.0 % b.0)

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Left(9) % Right(5), Answer(4));

